Far from going out, internal controversy within the government for the taxation of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI) is reactivated strongly, and with the positions equally found between the Vice President First and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, and the … Second vice president and head of work, Yolanda Díaz. Next week, the deadline for the Executive to activate the veto on the propositions of law already qualified by the table of the Congress of Deputies, which were presented individually by the Popular Party (PP), add and Podemos to reverse the decision of the Treasury that those who receive that salary, uploaded by the government of Pedro Sánchez In fifty euros more a month, they are taxed in the Income Tax of natural persons, the IRPF.
And for the moment Montero remains on the veto and adding to lift it, according to sources from the two facing parties. The veto, a government’s power as long as it alleges reasons of budgetary impact of a certain measure, could be found on this occasion with an alternative majority against nature, that of the PP and add. For this last party, according to the sources consulted, it will not be left, and with the PP there is coincidence that those who perceive the SMI must be exempt from taxation. The PSOE, on the other hand, argues that they should do so, and that many of them will be exempt, for example in paternity.
The internal crisis in the coalition for this matter broke out on February 11, in an unusual press conference after the Council of Ministers in La Moncloa, in which in a climate of great tension the spokeswoman for the government, Pilar Alegría, and Yolanda Díaz herself, disagreed in view of all the media.
On that sound time, Alegría argued one of the strong arguments of the socialist part of the government in defense of the Taxation of the SMI, that only 20 percent of the perceptors would have to pay, precisely because of the deductions. This was pointing out by the Minister of Economy, Carlos Corpora, who also starred in hard statements with the second vice president.
A week after the incident between the spokeswoman and Díaz, Sánchez tied behind closed doors to the Federal Executive of the PSOE in defense of the socialist position. “We are not talking about the minimum vital income,” he said, he explained to ABC Fuentes present at the meeting of the socialist dome. A reference to one of the most significant measures of his government in the first legislature. The argument exposed by the PSOE leader is that it cannot fall into criticism of the tax at a certain type of salary, even if it is the legal minimum. To add, on the other hand, that whoever wins approximately 16,000 euros a year, be wage earner or, for example, a pesionist, should be exempt from presenting even the income statement. Something, the latter, in which the PP coincides.
The entente between adding and the PP could join forces at the table of Congress, an organ in which it is formally voted, although there is a game of majority among the five representatives of the left in the government (three of the PSOE and two of adding) and the four of the popular group.
Despite the coincidence in the initiatives, there are some procedural discrepancies between adding, Podemos and the PP. To the point that in adding, that in this coincides with the criteria of the Treasury, it sees serious defects in the initiative registered by those of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.
From the department of Montero, the veto will be presented without a doubt, even if its route can be uncertain. For this time the government’s coalition between the PSOE and add would not have an exact or direct translation at the table, the government body of the lower house.
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