The Aragonese company ACF Innove, specialized in training and development of logistics solutions, is forming road safety to almost 400 Energy Energy Employees In order to evaluate the driving skills of workers in critical situations and improve their skills at the wheel, beyond traditional logistics roles.
This training is being carried out in Pamplona, although soon it could be extended to other venues, since it is part of the commitment of acting energy with the prevention of occupational hazards.
The training has been developed with two driving simulators in which I know Virtual risk situations recreate to which drivers must face. In this way, the reaction capacity for unforeseen events is evaluated, such as the appearance of a loose animal, in an environment with distractions such as GPS, or the irruption of a child on the road.
Other key factors such as respect for speed limits, proper use of lights in low visibility situations and lateral distance in overtaking cyclists are also analyzed.
The initiative goes beyond technical aspects, since Sensitize On the seriousness of traffic accidents and reflect on the steering behavior. In this way, issues such as the propensity to suffer accidents are analyzed while driving, respect for road rules and the impact of critical decisions taken at the wheel.
Likewise, other topics such as Key risk factors such as alcohol and drug use or the importance of constant attention on the road, among other issues.
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