He Work absenteeism in the Aragonese community has grown in the third quarter of this year by four tenths compared to the same period in 2023, placing the rate at 6.5% of the agreed hours. A figure that, despite reflecting an increase, shows a rate below the end of last year, when it stood at 6.8%.
Aragón reflects an increase in absenteeism in its labor market slightly higher than the state average, located at three tenths, in addition to registering a rate above the Spanish average.
While in Aragón, in the third quarter of this year, the work absenteeism rate is set at 6.5%, in Spain it has been 6.3%according to data from the Randstad report.
Despite being above the state average, Aragón is not one of the autonomous communities with the highest absenteeism rate. The Canary Islands is the autonomy that is in first position with 8.1% of the agreed hours, followed by the Basque Country with 7.6%, Galicia with 7.6% and Murcia with 7.2%.
Next is Asturias with 7.1%, Cantabria with 7% and La Rioja and Castilla y León, both with 6.6%. Below Aragon (6.5%), there is Navarra with 6.3%, as well as Extremadura and Catalonia, while the rate of absenteeism from work stands at 6.2% in the case of the Valencian Community and at 6. 1% in Castilla-La Mancha.
Finally, in Andalusia it stands at 6%, while the Balearic Islands closes the third quarter of the year with a work absenteeism rate of 5.8% and the Community of Madrid does so with 5.4%, the latter being the autonomy which registers the lowest level within Spain.
On the contrary, Absenteeism due to IT in Aragon has grown more -it has done so by six tenths compared to the third quarter of 2023-, although the rate is lower, standing at 4.9%. A figure that is slightly below the national average of 5%.
These data reflect that 1.38 million people did not go to work on average daily, with 1.09 million being on medical leave. Thus, more than 293,000 people were absent from work each day for reasons other than medical leave.
By sectors of activity, the industry concentrates the highest level of absenteeism with 6.9% of the total agreed hours, followed by services with 6.3% and construction with 5.3%.
#Absenteeism #work #growing #Aragon #slowing