The border of Czech Republic It has become viral by an alleged “Trap for tourists“revealed by the Youtuber Janek Rubes in his Honest Guide account. These tourists, according to the creator of content, would be obliged to pay an extra cost to drive on the highway.
“Cross the border and be scammed It is almost a tradition“, says the Youtuber In a video. To drive on the highways of the area, drivers must have electronic identification.
This system has favored some private companies dedicated to collecting this identification up to six euros more expensive that public entities, in addition to applying a supplement if it has been paid in euros.
“Our country makes it so difficult that travelers They end up paying much more Of what they should, “says the content creator ensuring that official points of sale, and that offer high prices -free services, are remote from central areas and are not almost marked.
For its part, Rubes ironizes that the process to drive on the highway can also manage through the Internet In less than a minute or in the border machines, so the endless ranks that are formed are totally unnecessary.
In turn, the Youtuber criticizes that the government has not implemented almost measures to stop this “thymus”: “It is as if they wanted people You are wrong and pay more“He adds in his video, which adds more than eight million views and thousands of complaints in his comments.
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