An 18 -year -old girl has denounced before Ertzaintza a sexual assault by a 48 -year -old man, a bar in which she worked in Zalla, Bizkaia. “It all started with a sexual assault of a client, to touch me in my intimate parts, continuous harassment and lascivious comments. I reported it and told my boss, but insulted me, he shouted me, threatened that this was going to have consequences, ”acknowledges the victim who ensures that the aggressions occurred for at least two weeks in a job in a job in The one that has been a month and a half. After the complaint and a rapid trial, the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 2 of Balmaseda has issued a protection order and the prohibition of the alleged aggressor to approach the home, to the workplace already anywhere that the frequent victim even if it is not at a distance not less than 50 meters, as well as the prohibition of communicating with it by any means.
According to the car, to which this newspaper has had access, “in terms of the objective risk for the physical or psychic integrity of the injured, the truth is that it is evident when it is the second time that an incident is produced with the investigated , in an environment that the complainant cannot leave since it is her job, ”says the document. However, when presenting the order before his boss, he says, they fired it. Something that, according to the victim’s mother, has been an “injustice.” “It seems to us an injustice that they have fired his job after suffering such serious aggressions that have been recognized by justice. We know that the aggressor and the owner of the bar are friends and when my daughter told her what was happening she called her a liar and babysitter. He threatened him to shut up but my daughter is brave although with 18 years it is still a girl. He did not want to shut her up for her but also for the rest of the women, ”the victim’s mother is detail to
The aggressions began on February 1, according to the young woman, who describes that the investigated was at the premises with her partner in “drunk state” and approached her every time she left the bar to try to hug her and touch her Intimate parts, which did not get to get because she “gave her a swipe” to prevent it. The young woman also recognizes that she approached her face to kiss her mouth, something that also tried to prevent turning her face. However, the complaint is made on February 15, the day the most serious events took place. According to the complaint, the investigated appeared in the establishment several times. At first, about four in the afternoon, he approached her and said: “I hope to be 20 years old to be with you.” Then he proceeded to make a video call by focusing her to her, which made the young woman throw her out of the bar. The alleged aggressor returned hours later already in “drunk state” as the young woman argues. “The investigated was put in the exit of the bar bothering the complainant and bothering it, putting her hands in her intimate parts and rubbing her intimate parts against her doing as she danced,” he collects the car. The investigated did not cease until another client intervened when he saw the situation, which came to give “several push -ups” to stop.
After that event, the young woman asks her to go from the premises – for the second time in one afternoon -, to which he replies that “he was going to regret it.” Five minutes after leaving, with the closed bar door, reappear the door. The young woman encloses her family and Ertzaintza. Finally, after the intervention of the agents, the alleged aggressor leaves before the notice that he was going to be arrested if he did not.
Now, mother and daughter seek “justice” and that in addition to the alleged aggressor, the head of the young woman who fired her after what happened. “It is worth having a client than a worker who paid 1,000 euros, was hired to work 10 hours per week, when he actually worked 50 hours. My daughter accepted those conditions like any person who has a need, because she is 18 years old and is starting life, but we must focus on who has workers in a precarious and illegal way, ”says the mother.
The bar in which the event has occurred is the home of the retiree owned by the City of Zalla and managed by an individual through a concession. After the young woman’s complaint, the City Council has shown her “more resounding condemnation and rejection,” but has not reported on the alleged irregular situation in which the premises has the workers. “The City Council of Zalla shows its most resounding and rejection of the alleged aggression, as well as our support and closeness to the victim and its environment by making available the psychological, legal, protection and reception resources that require. The City of Zalla shows its most absolute rejection against all kinds of violence against women and declares zero tolerance towards any sexist aggression. Women and men have to fight for our autonomy, without fear of being attacked, harassed or intimidated. That’s why we must say enough. This type of facts should not be accepted in our society. Therefore, we must continue working from associative institutions and movements, as from citizens, so that women can live free from all macho violence. Likewise, the City of Zalla urges citizens to act with an active and forceful attitude against any type of aggression, ”he said through a statement.
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