Maintain one correct food It is essential to enjoy good health and Prevent diseases. However, not all foods are the same, so opt for natural ingredients and minimize the consumption of ultraprocessed products They are essential practices to enjoy a healthy and balanced diet. In this context, the nutritionist Fran Susín has shared in his Tiktok account, ‘Fransusin_’, his assessment as an expert in feeding of the Brothers available in the Carrefour supermarket chainhighlighting What are the healthiest options and pointing out those that should avoid.
In the video, the nutritionist begins by saying: “I will show you soups that are delicious for the cold.” “The best soups in my opinion, especially here, in Carrefour,” he adds. When analyzing the available options, the ‘Aneto natural broth‘And the’Homemade chicken broth‘like them most recommended alternatives that we can find in the multinational distribution chain of French origin. As the expert shows, when reviewing his ingredientsit is observed that everything is “totally natural.”
However, he points out that “the rest does not,” warning that Most brands incorporate additives uninable. In that sense, the expert mentions that some broths contain thickeningfood additives used to improve the texture and consistency of various processed products that some studies suggest that they can alter the balance of intestinal microbiomaand Artificial aromasto which it refers as “that little bag where all the why you want and more.” In addition, he points out that certain products, such as the broth of the Gallo brand that shows in the video, add sugars in the form of dextrose and preservatives like him sodium nitrite and the Potassium nitrite. “This one, for example, adds sugars, in this case, dextrose and nitrites,” he says. Substances that, although approved for food use, may not be ideal for a healthy diet If consumed in excess.
Finally, it should be noted that the recommendation of the food expert is aligned with the nutritional guidelines that suggest choosing products with List of short and recognizable ingredientsavoiding those with unnecessary additives. In that sense, opt for pre -cooked broths that use natural ingredients, can be a practical and simple form of Improve the quality of our diet daily without sacrificing the necessary time to prepare a homemade broth.
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