A UPN City Council in Navarra gives free tickets to children under 8 years for a bullfight

The organization of a bullfight that will be held this Saturday, March 15 in the Navarra town of Fitero, coinciding with the local parties, offers children under 8 years of age, whenever they are accompanied by an adult. In a strategy to attract the younger public, other discounts have also been activated for those who are between 8 and 16 years old. There is the circumstance that the City Council, governed by UPN, sponsors the event, and is the one who has set ticket prices, as well as these promotions.

This fact has raised blisters between animalist groups, which indicate that this promotion goes against the recommendation that the United Nations Children’s Rights Committee gave in 2018. Then, the UN urged Spain to ban the access and participation of children under 18 years (“as bullfighters and as a public”) in bullfighting shows “to prevent the harmful effects for children in the sight of the bulls”.

“These discounts are an access door to trivialize or banalize the violence that is exercised over animals,” says Rubén Pérez, coordinator of the Infancy campaign ‘Without violence’ of the Franz Weber Foundation, UN consulting organization. In this regard, the parliamentary group of Sumar, coalition that is part of the Pedro Sánchez Executive, presented a few weeks ago A proposition of law in Congress To prohibit by law that minors can go to bullfights, either to fight or as a public. In the regional community there is also no legislation that limits the access of minors to these enclosures. In this regard, Rubén Pérez urges the Government of Navarra to follow the recommendations of the Child’s Rights Committee.

From the City of Fitero, its mayor Miguel Aguirre Yanguas, confirms to this newspaper that it is they who have set prices as well as the promotion that allows free access to children under 8 years. He defends that it is a “usual practice” in most Spanish municipalities. In Pamplona, ​​for example, children under 16 have a discount on the bullfight of the day before the beginning of the Sanfermines. Asked about the UN resolution, he has refused to comment.

The Franz Weber Foundation parties this type of promotions in an attempt by the companies organizing bullfighting events of “seeking a generational relief” in this type of shows. And, contrary to what happens in other territories, where every time bulls look more empty, in Navarra, and especially in Pamplona during the Sanfermines, bullfighting does not suffer, either among the youth audience.

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