In 2024, a total of 423,761 Housing Mortgageswhich represents 11.2% more than the previous year, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE). In this sense, the client’s profile that is mortgage in Spain especially attracts attention, since it directly affects the housing priceconsidered the main problem for 34.1% of Spaniards, according to the latest CIS data.
And, according to the Association of Banking Client Defense Association, the people who are mortgaged in Spain to access A first home is now 14% of the total, compared to 16% of a year, while those who do it as An investment route supposes more than half. Specifically, 51% to 56% have gone from 56%, according to a study of the entity.
In this sense, the distance between those are mortgaged to access a first home and those who do it as a route of investment, according to the VI Asufin Barometer, which also indicates that there is 10.3% of mortgages that, having a home, asks for a credit for residence change, compared to 11.2% of the previous year. The sample of the study is completed by the people who borrow to obtain a second home, which go from 21.8% to 19.1%.
The results of this barometer «confirm the existing offer problem, while many buyers who need it cannot access, what Tension prices With a housing park for sale very limited, ”says Asfin.
In parallel, the Banking Client Defense Association indicates that part of the housing that is acquired as an investment «does not go on the market or does so for non -housing uses, such as Short -term tourist or rental housing».
Mortgage prices
The trend that carries the client profile that requests a mortgage today in Spain is also reflected in the reasons that move to the hiring of one of these credits. And it is worth considering the property a good investment opportunity in 64% of cases, 5 points more than last year.
Asufin’s barometer points to another curious fact that also confirms this duality: more than 6 out of 10 consumers who want to ask for a mortgage «will not do it because economic circumstances do not allow it due to High housing prices ». In addition, more than 2 out of 10 considers that their salary is “insufficient to deal with the fees of a mortgage.”
Asufin’s study also concludes that the price drop applied to mortgages is far from what interest rates have experienced. «If last year the average cost of mortgages had slightly raised 0.12%to 4.65%, this year there is an important decrease to 3.95%, 0.70% this year», A lower decrease than experienced by Euribor, 1.08%.
Finally, the barometer reveals that Fixed mortgages They are the cheapest, to 3.98%, reducing their cost by 0.53%. They are followed by Mixed mortgagesat 4.20%, while the most expensive are still Variable mortgageswith 4.26%.
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