The couple relationships They have experienced multiple changes in recent decades, in large part because the roles have also been updated and society has opened more to the point that today it is more normalized that there is no perfect standard model and than Each one finds their balance with their partner.
Thus, by putting only some examples, the Distance relationshipsthose who decide not to go through the altar or have children, the couples in which he takes care of the house and the children and she is the executive, those who go to therapy as something healthy that helps them to be better or the that do not close their relationships to third parties.
In this sense, the case of couples who decide has also gone to more sleep with two individual beds But together or, even more shocking for some, in different rooms. They do it because they believe they get a Better rest And a team of researchers wanted to analyze a while ago if this could be confirmed scientifically.
In a ‘sleep laboratory’
The study, which was led by the Center for Integrative Psychiatry (ZIP) of Germany and published by the prestigious magazine ‘Frontiers’, intended to bring out the effects of the presence of bed classmates on the neurophysiology of each. Of the conclusions obtained from dozens of polysomnographies, the big surprise was that it was confirmed that sleeping precisely as a couple was beneficial for sleep health and hygiene.
German researchers worked with twelve couples who slept in a ‘sleep laboratory’ and evaluated, among other aspects, how they slept individually and also as two people were able to Synchronize sleep stages If they shared a bed, also taking into account the genre or the relationship between them.
From the data analysis, it was concluded that sleeping together, regardless of the characteristics of the relationship, was associated with approximately one 10% more sleep REM (which is considered deeper and more repairing), with less fragmentation and longer phases without interruptions. “Sleep architectures were more synchronized,” says the conclusions of the study, which found that there was an coupling with a lag of about five minutes between the two protagonists.
Thus, the researchers stressed that depending on the arrangement to sleep, architecture and sleep synchronization between a couple, alterations may appear, which can be “part of a feedback cycle of Sleep Self -Mounted Rem and sociability” and highlighted that everything This can end preventing mental illnesses.
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