Go to live Chinathe most populous country in the world, is a full -fledged adventure. If in general moving to another country is already an exciting experience, going to a place with so many cultural differences, Such a clear contrast between the modern and the traditional and such a large size is a challenge for the Spaniards who are encouraged to take this step.
Claudia It is one of these cases. She is a young Catalan who has been living and working in the Shenzhen area with her online language academy and who takes advantage of her Tiktok (@clauperezgi) to show your day to day and, especially, Shocks Cultural without stopping that this new life holds day after day.
Thus, many have enjoyed their videos about how it is to cut their hair or have an appointment, the unimaginable services he has on his farm and what are his preferred plans in his city. Now, a few days ago, a publication uploaded to tell «the Things that I have not yet become accustomed»And that he does not like China, and among them there are very common practices in their culture that the Spaniards seem unpleasant.
“It’s disgusting”
«I doubt it can get used to me Someday, ”she warns before starting her explanations. In the first place, Claudia speaks of the smell of the ‘Stinky Tofu’ (a typical fermented tofu in the country), which confesses that “she surpasses me” and that he has to smell often because near his floor there is a boy who sells him in a Street Street. “Now that I had become accustomed to the smell of Duria comes the ‘Stinky Tofu’ …” she ironizes.
In addition, Claudia hates “that spit on the ground”, a practice seen as something unpleasant outside the country and that the natives always do, in China or when they are of tourism for the rest of the world. «It is disgusting But they also do it inside, ”he laments. On the other hand, the young woman complains about the motorcycles that go through her city, Shenzhen, and that when you go calm down “suddenly” they begin to whistle because they want to pass. “Instead of moving or doing a little ‘dodge’ they whistle and bother you and you have to take away,” he denounces.
Finally, related to the spit, Claudia reveals that «most eat with their mouths open and does A lot of noise when eating ». Thus, he emphasizes that in a restaurant you have to “give thanks” if the diner next door is not eating soup. Claudia exemplifies several typical noises among natives when eating and highlights that “i ca’nt” (‘I can’t’, in English).
Before finishing the video with these negative aspects, the ‘Tiktoker’ makes it clear that “living in China has many positive things and Many advantages»And that the balance is positive. The issue about spit has given for many comments: some have considered that “in Spain people do it too”, which has caused a wave of complaints. “There will be some unpresentable but neither approaches to the level of China,” said a follower, while others point out that they spit in classes, airports (even inside the plane) or even at the tables.
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