Mariona Falomi, a Spanish who lives in the US, has shared through her Tiktok profile the big blow of luck she has recently had. And is that, Despite requested his portfolio and all his documents, he could finally find them and get a pleasant surprise next to them.
“I am shit,” he began to explain in his video. The young woman had lost her cullet in a cafeteria. But, it was not a simple portfolio with some cash, no, it was where he had all his identity documents. From his Spanish ID to his American driving license, going through his credit cards and gift cards from different businesses. Everything had disappeared.
The young woman had gone to a cafeteria and, without knowing how, everything had disappeared. Therefore, it quickly began to search. The first step was to go to the establishment where I had paid for the last time, But he was lucky. “I can’t believe you,” the young woman lamented without knowing what to do.
The young woman already imagined the worst when, as if it were a miracle, the cafeteria called her again. They had found the wallet, but she didn’t seem very convinced. “Something will be missing 100%”, She assured knowing that, at least, something would have stolen. However, nothing is further from reality.
Everything was as he remembered. “In Spain they would have returned half,” He assured without being able to erase his smile from his face. Thus, while he taught his wallet, he was able to return home without having to worry about anything but not losing sight of her again.
The video already has more than 24,000 views and there are few comments counting their own experiences both in the US and in Spain. “Everything is in the person. I left my bag with 10,000 euros, my passport and other bank documents in the car of a man who was showing us a farm in Asturias. He returned everything without problem“That” that happened to me “have been some of the most prominent messages.
#Spanish #loses #portfolio #pleasant #surprise #recovering