Knowing what image you have from the country abroad is one of the great concerns of many Spaniards. Therefore, through her Tiktok account, Merisan, a young woman who lives in the US, has explained some of the most surprising questions that have been asked Your friends.
Thus, as he has lamented, he feels that the news that is made known abroad over the country could be affecting how they see Spain. “I am very sorry for the image we are giving as a country and as people,” It has begun to explain.
According to her, some of the interactions that are most repeated are about the security of the country and if it really is a good tourist place. “Do not you want tourists in Spain?” “Is Spain a safe country?” They have been some of the issues that have most worried.
“Much of the economy we receive is from tourists,” he stressed, giving special importance to the sector. And it is a ‘pity’ this type of statements for her. It is very sad that there are four fools who dedicate themselves to crime And, because of that, certain measures have been taken, “he concluded.
The video has quickly been filled with all kinds of comments. And, although there are also those who think like her, there are few who have stressed that “Spain is not just tourism.” “The problem is not the tourist itself, but the collateral damage suffered by the residents of the countries due to the rise in price and the limitation they do with the homes,” explained a user.
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