The flood of the rivers that travel through the different Madrid municipalities maintain the region on alert. Although in the capital the situation was yesterday “more stabilized”, in Improved field At least 48 neighbors were evacuated in the area near La Ribera del Jarama and Henares; While in Morata de Tajuña there is a firefighter device in a residence of Morata de Tajuña in preventive.
The largest rainfall episode of the last 135 years is leaving incidents in dozens of Madrid municipalities. In La Vega del Tajuña, in addition to several roads cut due to flood risk, the residence of major island Taray, surrounded by this river, is in the spotlight of the firefighters of the Community of Madrid but without a risk of flooding. During yesterday we worked to offer a solution to the main “problem”: the access and exit of these facilities of both workers and suppliers.
The #Bomberoscm They maintain a device to facilitate the access of workers and supplies to the residence of greater island Taray.
Morata de Tajuña (next to the Tajuña River).
Constant control of the facilities, which are not at risk of flooding. #Inuncam #ASEM112
– 112 Community of Madrid (@112cmadrid) March 22, 2025
At least 48 residents of the field, residents of the areas near the riverbank of Jarama and the Henares, were evacuated on Friday night because of the floods of “more than two meters,” according to the mayor of this municipality, Jorge Capa yesterday. All people evicted, who live in the area next to the Iron Bridge, the El Raso estate and the Betel Center, are well and this town hall “will cover hostels to accommodate those who have no other alternative.”
In the capital, the situation is “more stabilized” after the heavy rains recorded, although the city’s vice mayor, Inma Sanz, said yesterday that the City Council is in “permanent contact” with the Hydrographic Confederation of the Tagus and Community of Madrid to evaluate the levels of the unwins. That night there was “some complicated moment” with the rain, since it caused “a peak” in the rise of the Manzanares River and that led to cutting the circulation of the M-30 to the M-40 in the direction of A-6.
This consistory asks for caution to citizens so that it does not approach “in any case” the river channels, mainly to the Manzanares and Jarama River. Given this scenario, he pointed out that the City Council has “evaluated and worked” the alternatives in case it is necessary to adopt “additional measures” as road cuts, although at the present time, it has assured that they are not foreseen except that this situation changes.
The Government delegate in the Community of Madrid, Francisco Martín, said yesterday the “exceptionality” of rainfall and has recommended “maintaining responsibility and prudence” and avoiding approaching flooded or flooding areas.
#residence #fenced #Morata #evacuated #improved #flood #rivers #Madrid