Renfe, Adif and railway unions They have ended this Thursday No agreement a meeting in which they tried to reach an agreement to distrust the seven alternate days Cercanías, Avlo, Avlo and Mid -distance trains strike between the end of March and early April. For now, therefore, The strikes that will start this Monday, March 17 are maintainedand for which the Ministry of Transport has set some Minimum services between 50 and 75% nearby, 72% in AVE and Avlo and 65% in medium distance trains. In the case of Rodalies, the Generalitat has set them at 660% at peak hours and 33% in valley hours.
The two public companies and the trade union representatives, grouped in the General Company Committee, had been located on Thursday to a meeting to try to distrust a strike motivated by the conditions of the transfer of Rodalies to the Generalitat. It has ended after 9.30 pm and without agreement, union sources have reported, which indicate that This Friday they will sit to the table again.
So, for now The strikes convened for 17, 19, 24, 26 and 28 of March and for April 1 and 3 are maintained. In four of the Sietes days -17, March 24 and 26 and April 1- the strike would be 24 hours and on the other three dates -19 and March 24 and April 3- were going to be for time slots, from 06:00 to 09:00 hours, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from 9:00 p.m. to 23:00 hours.
Minimum services
Before the disagreement last Monday between company and unions to set the minimum services, it was the Ministry of Transportation who determined them a few days ago. They will circulate a 75% of nearby trains in rush hour and 50% the rest of the day; minimum services of Bird and avlo have been set at 72% and of medium distance trains, in 65%. In the case of Rodaliesthe minimum services were set by the Generalitat, of the 66% in peak hours and 33% in valley hours.
For its part, so much Ouigo and Iroy do not foresee alterations of in its high -speed trains, although strike is also one of the workers of the railway infrastructure, Adif.
Keep the templates in the rhodalies transfer
The General Company Committee, which brings together all Renfe and Adif unions, has summoned the strikes in protest of the way in which the Ministry is agreing with the Catalan Generalitat the Rodalies transfer, for the exclusion of its R-1 line of the Railway Network of General Interest and for the outsourcing of Renfe merchandise In the MSC Logistics Company. They denounce that the commitment is being “violated” that, in November 2023 and as soon as the negotiation between the Government and the Government, by the Minister of Transportation, by the Minister of Transportation, begins, by the Minister of Transportation, by the Minister of Transport Óscar Puente, that the integrity of Renfe and Adif and the templates in the transfer would be maintained.
On the contrary, Semaf, CCOO, UGT, the Federal Railway Sector of the CGT, the Trade Union Confederation and the Railway Traffic Union (SCF) denounce that the agreements for the transfer of Rodalies “They increase expenses, double costs and do not improve the service.” Also, “undercover privatizations” by Renfe merchandise.
In addition, this week, the unions launched a call to the “Unit” of all Renfe and Adif workers For everyone to secondary the strike already distrusted when warning that, although they are now not affected by the agreements in Catalonia, they could be in the future in any other service in which they work. “Rodalies transfer, R1 and merchandise are Only pilot experiences that are put into practice in order to verify their possibility of implementation and that, if they evolve as stated, will be the Mirror of future impositions in the short and medium term, “they warned in a joint statement.
#RENFE #ADIF #Trade #Unions #days #Monday #AVE