Moving to a new country can be a Cultural shock In many ways. From food schedules to the way we greet each other, these disparities can leave people who are not accustomed to them in shock. But beyond these obvious differences, there are other more subtle ones that may further surprise those who arrive from the other side of the world. This is the case of María José Peró, a young Peruvian who lives in Madrid and who, through her Tiktok account, ‘Mariajosepero’, has shared her impressions about life in the Spanish capital, highlighting, among other things, among other things, the way Spaniards discuss.
In the video, the content creator begins highlighting the physical appearance and the style of men and women in Madrid. According to her, fashion and attractive From the Madrid they have left her completely fascinated: “They have tremendous style, I go out and I am: ‘I fall in love, I fall in love.’ Like yesterday, that I went to the corner to buy a coffee and there were two police officers in the bakery and I no longer knew whether to buy or steal it ».
Another aspect that have caught their attention in Spain is wine price. Accustomed to Peru, this drink has higher prices, the influencer was surprised to see how accessible it is in our country: “From two euros.”
But not only wine is something that has seemed remarkable. It has also been surprised at the generosity with which the bars serve drinks, because in Madrid it is very common that when asking for a cane or a soda they bring you something to eat for free. “When you go to a bar to ask for any type of drink, they always bring you one of these things, if they are not the three: papitas, olives and ‘gomites’,” he said enthusiastically. However, if there is something that has completely conquered María José since her arrival in Spain is the Serrano ham.
On the other hand, María José stressed that Madrid is an incredibly Safe compared to his native country: “Go a week to Latam and there you tell me if it is insecure here.” According to the content creator, in Spain robberies are a completely different matter from what she has seen in Peru. While in Latin America Crime is usually linked to violencein Spain, according to their experience, most robberies happen in a way more discreet and without direct threats. “A gun in your head does not ‘air you’, he said.
In addition, the equality and the I respect Among people. For her, in Spain there is a level of equality that extends to different areas, something that she considers admirable. «Not only in women, not only in the LGTBIQ+community, but also by age, by profession, it doesn’t matter. Here everyone is respected or ‘interfering with the same.
The discussions of the Spaniards
But without a doubt, the aspect that has surprised the creator of content is the way in which the Spaniards discuss. In that sense, María José confesses that at first scared See how people are They shouted In the middle of the street, thinking that at any time the discussion could climb to something more serious. “When I arrived, I was scared because they shouted.” However, over time, he realized that most of these clashes are purely verbal And that rarely end in physical aggressions, “so it is hilarious and even I want to get into.” “You shout at everything, you bark and all good, everyone leaves,” he added. Has even created a ranking of your favorite insults That, although strong, they seem extremely funny.
Finally, the influencer has pointed out that another point he loves from Madrid is life on the street. According to her, the security and the culture of Spaniards allow people Enjoy public space without fear. In addition, celebrates the freedom with which people can dress without fear of being judged. «You can go dressed as you want and nobody is going to tell you anything. No one cares about your life, ”he concludes.
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