Tuna is one of the most consumed fish in the world thanks to its high content of Omega-3 fatty acids. However, its consumption has always been surrounded by doubts due to the presence of Mercury, a heavy metal that accumulates in fish tissues and that, in large quantities, can be harmful to health. But to what extent is this true? What can we do to minimize the risk without giving up the benefits of tuna?
The nutritionist has spoken on this subject @zoletnutritionwhich is dedicated to sharing tips on healthy eating in networks. In one of his latest publications, he explains that mercury can especially affect pregnant women and other vulnerable groups, so some tricks should be known to choose safer options in the supermarket. According to the expert, the key is to look at the name of the product in the labeling.
How to differentiate cancies?
Cans that carry only the word ‘tuna’ usually correspond to the species Katsuwonus pelamis, Also known as listing tuna, which is the variety with the lowest accumulation of mercury. On the other hand, when the container indicates ‘clear tuna’, it is Thunnus albacares (Yellowfin), a kinder one that, due to its longevity, tends to concentrate more mercury in its tissues.
In addition, information on the concrete species of fish can appear in different parts of the container, such as the list of ingredients, on the sides of the cardboard or directly in the can. In some cases, however, it is necessary consult the manufacturer’s website To verify the origin.
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