If you work in a place where you are standing often (especially throughout the day), you could be damaging your health without knowing it. A New study confirms that, in this way, you are forcing the heart to pump more to Maintain blood flow.
Research shows that this negatively affects blood pressure. The authors of the study monitored during 24 hours to the participants of a Finnish essay on retirement and aging (Forea).
When analyzing the monitoring of blood pressure 156 workers between 60 and 64 yearsscientists observed that workers who spent more sedentary time, such as sitting and moving little during working hours, had better diastolic blood pressure.
In addition, workers who were more physically active during work hours had a Diastolic blood pressure (PA) worse.
These findings suggest that work -related physical activity (for example, standing, walking or performing manual work) could be associated with greater stress or tension, which negatively affect the PA.
This means that when we are at work, or simply walking through the house or the city, we must ensure take our time not only to keep us activebut also to take breaks and do not strive too much to reduce our risk of hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.
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