The Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, promulgated on February 5, 1917, it was the first Constitution in the world to incorporate social rights as constitutional guarantees. Among others, national sovereignty over its natural resources, including subsoil resources, was enshrined in constitutional article 27 and laid the foundations for a profound agrarian reform.
The Agrarian reform. Reform that had two conditions: reorientation of the economy to the internal market and the stewardship of the State, specifically, the protection of the ejido from the market. As the years went by, the revolutionary ideals were collapsed in the neoliberal government of Salinas, in 1992 when what this president called the “Great “Peasant Reform”, opening the ejido to the market, thus promoting the privatization of ejidal lands, the rent and sale of the plot became the order of the day; Two processes are unleashed: one, the dispossession of hundreds of farmers from their lands who are forced to sell them and, two, the displacement of ejidatarios from the productive process.
Along with the dispossession and/or displacement of indigenous people and peasants as part of this circumstance, a model of rural development was promoted under the policies of agribusiness that control the rural economy of the world, thus generating commercial agriculture whose profitability has a diminished nature due to because this is transferred abroad via production costs.
The Sinaloan agriculture It is productive and profitable but, I reiterate, profitability does not translate into well-being of producers, both private and social sector. The market, in the absence of the State, imposes itself, denying said profitability for farmers. The worst consequences are for the ejidatarios who resist the attacks of the market by renting their plots; many have sold them.
The government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, three decades after the Salinist reform, began the route of vindicating the rights of ordinary Mexicans, as a necessary condition to conceive the good of all, for this, it put in the center the perspective of the nation, carrying out reforms in matters of Energy Sovereignty, Labor, Social programs, among others, now, to deepen the Fourth Transformation It is necessary to put food sovereignty and self-sufficiency at the center as a strategic definition of the nation.
This perspective of national priority It forces us to consider and attend to the various agricultural, livestock and fishing regions of the country based on the specific characteristics of each of these. I am referring here, for example, to the commercial agriculture of Sinaloa. The Government of the Republic must generate the instruments that allow it to influence the market in favor of the nation and for the well-being of the producers.
The story of Mexico It is suggestive regarding the conceptualization of such instruments. To cite specific situations, consider: certified seed production, credit, state marketing, etc.
From the perspective of a model of this nature, it is unavoidable to think about the stewardship of the State around the water resource, assumed as human right, as well as the rationalization of its productive use.
Mexico therefore requires a new model of rural development. An obligatory step: the reform of constitutional article 27 that makes it possible to transcend the neoliberal reform of Salinism and, with this, promote the restoration of the ejido and the recovery of rurality with social well-being.
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