Around a hundred positions and vox excartos with the national executive have met this Saturday in Madrid to claim a re -foundation of the party, which they see becoming a “beach bar”, and have erected as the true “patriots” that They “face the tyranny” of its leader, Santiago Abascal. “I am afraid that the current vox arrives at the government,” said Sonia Lalanda, councilor expelled from Palencia.
The appointment has been attended by the Balearic deputies Idoia Ribas and Agustín Buades – currently not assigned to Vox; the attorneys of the Courts of Castilla y León expelled Ana Rosa Hernando and Javier Teira; the former deputy in the Parliament of Catalonia Isabel Lázaro – who denounced the Secretary General, Ignacio Garriga, for alleged embezzlement and misappropriation; and other regional and local positions in active.
In the middle of the act, former deputy Rubén Manso, architect of the VOX economic program and one of the critical directors with the drift of the most visible training has appeared. Others, such as the Parliamentary Exports Iván Espinosa de los Monteros or the former deputy Víctor Sánchez del Real, with whom Manso maintains a good relationship, have not attended the Discolos summit.
The conclave has ended with the approval of what they have called ‘Declaration of Barajas’, a document that brings together the reproaches that make Vox, among which the absence of internal democracy, doubts about the financing of the party, the decision of the party, the decision of Break the regional coalition governments with the PP or the integration of the party into the group of the European Patriots Parliament and the departure of the conservatives and reformists of Giorgia Meloni
The document also includes their demands, which are specified in a return to the principles that inspired the foundational manifesto of Vox and new statutes to give more voice to the affiliates. “We are a group of compatriots facing tyranny,” said the spokesman in the City of Salamanca, Alejandro Pérez de la Sota.
“With the most dumb and the most vague”
On these criticisms, the participants in the meeting have reflected, who have insisted during the day to talk about the “abascal vox”, a match “turned into a beach bar” and in which you have to “agree on everything and submissively” with The leader. They see that Vox has started “the same path of degradation” as the rest of the matches, but “much faster.” Ribas has stressed that “orders are given” and that “there is no room for debate or proposals” in a party controlled by “people not chosen by anyone and have no leadership.”
In the same line, Hernando has been expressed, which has declared himself “deceived” by the project, in addition to “victim and mistreated.” He believes that “the enemy” for Vox is the one who has “critical thinking” because “he is the enemy of Abascal.” “They prefer people obedient to prepared, they keep the most dumb and the most vague,” he added.
The former member of the Political Council of Vox and former National Secretary of Training, Antonio de Miguel, has denounced that in the training “enters a lot of money” and there are “many placements of many friends.” For him, the turning point was the statutory change that eliminated the primary for the election of candidates. “Vox entered a spiral of self -destruction since that time, it was the great betrayal of Abascal”, which he sees “drunk of success,” he said. He has also criticized the current strategy of the party, focused on being “ram against the PP.”
While critics have been satisfied with this Saturday’s meeting, they recognize that their demand for a Vox recast is complicated to satisfy, given that the leaders of the training “live very well.” In any case, sources of the critical movement emphasize that the first step is already given and the next is to send the statement to bamboo and are located to continue working.
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