The countdown begins for the start of the other underground of the mandate, the north of the Castilian, the third major project of the government of José Luis Martínez-Almeida, with permission of the works of the A-5 and the green sales ceiling. This … project, which will be An investment of 98.4 million Of euros, it will bury 675 meters from the popular capital artery, from Sinesio Delgado to the North knot, just at the foot of the four towers, releasing 70,000 square meters on the surface to build a new green zone, the Castilian park. “This one of the great transformation works that will mark the coming years in Madrid,” said the mayor from the tenth plant of the Cristal Tower, where they presented the project. The Consistory, he said, is making his “greater investment effort” since the time of Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, to adapt to a city that “is unstoppable.”
This northern ‘auction’ of La Castellana, which will begin to be executed before summer and will foreseeably end in the spring of 2027, is part of the future development of Madrid Nuevo Norte, the neighborhood where the future business center of the ‘City’ will be established. In parallel to the development of this new project, sources from the area of works and equipment explain, led by Paloma García Romero, each administration has to carry out a series of complementary infrastructure, such as the expansion of the Metro, the reform of the Chamartín station … This, which also was part of the electoral program with which Almeida attended the elections, in 2023, it was the one that touched the City Council. And it is the most advanced, they presume.
It is still early to talk about traffic conditions, but from the Consistory, after asking for the apologies of rigor to the neighbors due to the discomforts that will cause these almost two years of work, but they will advance that the sides of the Castilian will leave open to traffic, where two lanes will be maintained by direction.
The new tunnel
The central trunk must be cut as long as the execution of the future tunnel lasts, which will build the UTE led by ferrovial construction, management and execution of civil works and liquefies. This new Soterrada route will have two levels and will allow the continuity of the Castilian trunk to the north knot and its connection with roads such as M-30, M-607, A-1 and M-11. In the south, the mouth to the tunnel will correspond to that of the current lower step that saves the intersection with Sinnesio Delgado Street, while to the north its end will be located next to La Paz, connecting directly to the northern knot.

In the first level there will be three lanes in the direction, not counting the different accesses, exits and links. There will be connections from the axes of Sinnesio Delgado, Monforte de Lemos and access to Chamartín to guarantee the current circulations of the scope and connectivity of the local roads with the northern knot through the Paseo de la Castellana. Sources of the works area explain, however, that although they do not increase the capacity of the road, traffic will improve, because when the second level is built (which will be a sack fund for now) drivers can do something that can not be done today because the knot of the M-30 is, which is directly connect the Begoña neighborhood with Madrid North.
The construction process of this new tunnel will be exactly the same as being used to bury the Paseo de Extremadura, the ‘cut and cover’. This form implies a burial without tunnelador in which the walls of the buried tracks are first built with pillars and plates, which allows the auctions of the underground work with the surface work.
In this sense, at the underground level, the Castilian park does not include great innovations. If there will be in the design of the future Castilian Park, the surface landscaping of which they will enjoy on the front line not only the employees of the four towers, but also the neighbors of the San Cristóbal neighborhood, an urbanization of the thirty -year Ministries
A monumenal fountain and two great pergolas
«In the end, the entire Castilian is marked by a succession of roundabouts with water games and some monument. Therefore, the auction also had to have these elements, ”they stand out from the works area. Therefore, this Castilian park will be chaired by a monumental source, “very powerful, in the style of the great sources of Montjuic.” Next to her, there will be a large public square in which even small events can be held.
Two other distinctive elements of this new urban garden will be its pergolas. The first will be a large pergola of 25 meters of diameters constituted with steel and wood, with uphill plants in the upper part and water sprayer. This is the so -called “climatic pergola.” Separated by a forest and two transverse roads with banks, gymnastics circuits for seniors, playgrounds and even a Quisco-Cafeteria, will be the second pergola. This, which will host the only transverse step of the entire field for public transport and local traffic, will have photovoltaic panels.
In order to ‘hide’ the mouths of the new tunnel, in the southern part of the Castilian park a soft hill with stone benches will be created. The slope will be used to create seven staggered stone lines in the form of stands that will generate a kind of outdoor theater “similar to that in Plaza de España with the Tunnels of Bailén,” they point out from the direction of the project.
To complete this renewal of the field of the four towers, both flanks of the Paseo de la Castellana will also act and create a bidirectional and segregated bike lane – whose exact location are still finalizing – that will then connect with the cycling infrastructure that will be built in Madrid Nuevo Norte.
With all this soterrament of the extreme of the brand new, it is pending to “turn” to Plaza de Castilla, the mayor acknowledged. But that is another work. For another mandate.
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