“I can’t live without adrenalinethat feeling, for me, is the engine of life, gives me a spark, “Carola said in his presentation in First Dates This Tuesday.
As soon as Carlos Sobera greet He did not hesitate to try to flirt with Matías Rourethe barman of the love restaurant of four: “How handsome, right?” He said.
He then told the presenter that “I am on a circus ship. I train there. But I also go to individuals, when they hire me. I do street, fire … I always like to do new things“
His appointment was Miguel: “I want to decorate my heart Because I have been looking for it for a long time, if possible of real and true feelings. That’s why I have come to the program, “he said.
“I’m looking for those eyes where I can invite her to drink coffee And where we have a conversation where he finds love … “, added the musician and decorator.
Seeing your appointment, Miguel was impressed Before Carola’s show, which received him by making some acrobatics movements that left him speechless.
After the presentations at the bar, they both passed to the table for dinner and meet, where chatting They saw that they had in common that both were artists.

In a moment of the evening, the musician and decorator remained speechless when Carola confessed that sexual fantasy would like to do with him: “In the air, flying, hanging around.”
“You don’t know where you got …”the German told her appointment before going to the love room, to spend it big and have fun like never playing different games.
In the end, Neither of them wanted to have a second appointmentbut Miguel wanted to conclude the appointment by giving Carola a flaw to say: “Do you know what I tell you? That we are the two stellar.”

#Dates #diner