Hygiene is an essential element of each person. Each uses the products that have been recommended or that they consider that they are better for your skin.
In this sense, at the end of showering, there are many people who resort to Hydrant creams with the objective, for example, to contribute to the elasticity of the skin, Avoid dryness or even wrinkles.
Álex Docampo, a dermatologist who uses his Instagram account to share recommendations that have to do with skin and hair and convenience or not to use certain products.
Should the body skin hydrate with creams?
Before the question of a follower, the doctor has analyzed whether the skin of the body must be hydrated “or is neither necessary as the face.”
To understand the difference between one case and another, Docampo emphasizes that the skin of the body and the face “are very different.” In the face “we have many sebaceous glands and this is much less common in the skin of the body.”
In the case of bodythis doctor explains that «tends to dry much moreespecially when exposed to external agents such as cold or wind ».
He adds that there are certain cases, such as people with atopic dermatitis, which usually affect the arms or legs, where these factors can affect their skin more. «In these cases yes to use a hydrantante when the skin is fine It is important to prevent it from becoming dehydrated and also protect it from external factors that is what over time can lead to echcems, ”he says.
However, Docampo tells that “The truth is that neither in the face nor in the body using a moisturizer will avoid the appearance of long -term wrinkles”.
In one of his previous videos, this doctor stressed that the moisturizing creams for the face “do not remove wrinkles” and “only improve them temporarily”, so the reality is that they conceal them but they will not cause improvement despite the marketing that many of them have.
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