A man has died in a shooting that took place in the early hours of this Saturday in Rattan (Cádiz) in the course of a fight between two rival clans and in which another man has also been injured by receiving two shots in the stomach.
According to police sources, the injured has been transferred to the Jerez hospital with serious bullet wounds. The investigation is still open and that has stopped eleven people for the moment.
To the scene have moved Various security endowments Citizen and the investigation groups of the Judicial Police, in addition to the health services, which could do nothing to save the life of the man who has finally died.
The events occurred at 06.25, when the 112 emergency service received notice alerting About noise of a shooting on Humanes Street in Madrid.
This brawl occurs just three days after another shooting between two rival clans in the northern zone of Granada would resort to a man Bullet woundedwho was transferred to the hospital, and a mild wounded woman after spray pepper spray.
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