The Sevillian company of Gourmet Ostrea Sur products has announced that it will give 500 oysters to the couple that makes the marriage proposal more original and romantic On February 14, Valentine’s Day, in the facilities that the company has located in the Polygon La Negrilla.
The initiative, which will be limited to couples that attend in person and do In situ The marriage request will be made with the company’s commitment to give away half a thousand French oysters Fine of Claire for the day of his marriage. Those interested should go next Friday to the store located on laminating street, 19, of the Polygon La Negrilla, in Palmete, Between 11.00 and 13.00.
The requests will be recorded on video and the three most “original, curious and romantic”, will be published on social networks to be voting for their followers During the week following the Valentine’s Day, to finally meet the winning couple.
The owners of Ostrea Sur, David García Pruna and José Manuel Pérez, say that with this initiative they also intend to “collaborate in some way and as far as possible with the important expenses that those future couples will have to face when they get married. “It will be, according to both, “The first wedding gift they receive” To celebrate without a doubt, one of the most important days of their lives. “
This Sevillana company, which was chosen as the best distribution company in Premium products During the Authentic Gastronomic Fair Premium Food Fest, it wants to celebrate the launch of its new Ostreabef distribution brand with which it already sends its premium products to the most important restoration establishments of the Spanish capital and the province.
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