A community mourns Lorenza’s death: what happened
A terrible accident caused the death of a sixty-four year old, Lorenza Pruitiin Ariccia. The number of pedestrians who have lost their lives on Roman and provincial roads since the beginning of the year has risen to sixteen.
On the morning of Tuesday 16 July, a woman resident in Lanuvio lost her life after being hit. The tragedy in question occurred in Pagliarozza Streetto Aricciain the Castelli Romani area. Lorenza Pruiti she died as a result of the injuries sustained in the accident. The impact with the car threw the sixty-four-year-old several meters away.
The dynamics of the accident
Despite the immediate assistance from the ambulance and the Ares 118 medical car, nothing was done to save Lorenza Pruiti’s life. At the moment the Carabinieri of the Genzano station are working to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident that led to the death of this woman. At the moment it seems that Lorenza had just gotten off the bus when the car, busy overtaking, hit her. TheOpel Astra that hit Lorenza, driven by a sixty-five year old man from Rome, immediately stopped to help the woman. The driver of the vehicle was taken to the hospital to undergo all the necessary tests to understand his state of health at the time of the accident. The driver was reported for road homicide.
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The body of Lorella Pruiti was transported to the morgue of the Policlinico di Tor Vergata where, she is at the disposal of the judicial authority of the court of Velletri for the necessary investigations. The community of Lanuvio is in shock for the event and is gathering around the victim’s family offering them support in this moment of immense pain.
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Lorenza’s name is added to an already very long list of names. In fact, since the beginning of the year there have been 92 victims linked to road accidents in Rome and its province, 16 of these are pedestrians. These tragic accidents remind us how important it is to pay proper attention when we are driving a vehicle.
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