The Chinese bazaars began to popularize in Spain in the late 90s and, above all, in the early 2000s. Its success is based on low prices, broad schedules and an almost endless offer of products. However, although they can buy almost everything, the quality of their products remains questionable and, in general, is not up to other shops.
The content creator has recently spoken on this subject @Elchicomercadonaa Chinese who lives in Spain who sweeps social networks explaining curiosities about his country of origin. In an appearance in the podcast ‘A and a half Chinese’, the young man answers the question of whether he trusts what the bazaars sell.
During the interview, he explains that when he needs to buy something serious he avoids the bazaars. For example, if you look for tools or hardware products for prolonged use, you prefer to go to specialized sites, convinced that you will find products manufactured by Spanish companies and, therefore, of greater durability.
«I’m going to buy a toaster, the lame of the bazaar? No, because it will not work well. Now maybe yes, but before it was shit, uncle. In addition, he was very expensive, ”says the young man, who confesses that although he currently does not work in the family’s bazaar, his brother is still in charge of one, so he knows the issue first hand. “Now is when he calls me and hits me to put it,” he jokes.
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The fragment of @elchicomercadona has reached some impact and date of this publication accumulates no less than 30,000 ‘like’ in Tiktok. As usually happens in these cases, hundreds of users have come to the comments section to discuss different aspects of the publication.
“The bazaar is like a pharmacy on guard … only for Apaños and fugches, the cheap is expensive,” “He said things 5/10 years ago, now the items are much better and if it is marks it is the same. I say it because my family has a bazaar, “” there is absolutely nothing that lasts in a bazaar “or” always cheap it is expensive, “are some of the most prominent comments.
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