The Carnage products They are crucial for many Spanish homes and the fact that more and more supermarkets have a wide variety of ‘stock’ available to free service, usually very good packaged And that meets safety regulations, facilitates things to many users who have little time to go to buy.
In this sense, for this same reason many have lost practice in going to ask the meat from the cut in butchers of a lifetime and are often guided by the explanations and indications of the Packaging. While many applaud comfort, this also generates a certain reluctance by those who defend the small trade of a lifetime and by those who fear that these prepared dishes have unhealthy preservatives.
Whatever the options in the refrigerators of the great supermarkets are many and on one of them he wanted to alert the popular now @el_as_carnicero. Alberto Salto, As this butcher ‘Tiktoker’ is really called, he wanted to upload a video to alert his followers about the «Chicken sirloinwhich has become fashionable »in many supermarkets.
The ‘Tiktoker’ warns, from the beginning, that “they charge it in the supermarkets much more expensive being normal chicken breast.” Thus, he emphasizes that the only thing that happens is that «now the chicken sirloin It is fashionable»And warns, going precisely to an establishment that sells it, about the price difference that ends up paying those who choose this product.
“You are going to see the price that is of difference to buy chicken sirloin from chicken breast,” he anticipates, that he is very outraged if “are we crazy or what?” “Well yes, We are quite crazy”Alberto replies, which shows two trays in which it is seen that the sirloin is charged at 8.69 euros per kilo while the entire breast comes out at 6.39 euros per kilo.
Thus, he highlights these 2.30 euros of difference between both products and reiterates that “we are crazy to pay the chicken sirloin more expensive than the breast.” Alberto argues because, as confirmed, «the chicken sirloin It is a part of the lifelong breast of God, that any neighborhood carnage will put it at the same price, at the price of breast ».
To sentence, the butcher exemplifies with a real case of a tray that costs 4.01 euros, that if we pay the sirloin at a breast price, «which is how should it be», We would actually pay 2.94 euros. For all these reasons, the expert ends up launching a clear message: “You yourself, if you want to consume chicken sirloin, then keep paying it more expensive.”
The issue has given for some messages like that of a user who regrets that «do what they wantThey know they will sell it the same. They take advantage of the word ‘sirloin’ that sounds better ». Another Internet user has pointed out that “the problem is that they will now sell the breast without sirloin” because they will sell it apart for those who ask for it.
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