Netflix fiction, The body in flameswhich recounts the crime of the Urban Guard for which Rosa Peral is sentenced to 25 years in prison for the murder of her partner, Pedrohas generated great anger among those represented in the series.
Thus, Rosa Peral has considered that fiction violates her Right to honor, to the image itself and intimacy Not only from her, but also her daughter. Therefore, the convicted person asks the platform for compensation of 30 million euros.
For its part, the judge of Vilanova I the Geltrú has granted a period of ten business days to Rubén, ex -husband from Rosa Peral, to decide whether he claims the content platform on behalf of the eldest daughter of both. Now, Man has broken his silence And, exclusively, he has sent a letter to Let’s see.
“I think so, I must study whether my daughter’s right to privacy can be violated for the broadcast of the Netflix series. I am valuing whether or not to sue the producer. Therefore, I am studying the pros and cons, prioritizing the well -being of my daughter, the convenience of taking this measure and the Impact that any decision may have on your personal life“Rubén said in his letter to the morning of Telecinco.
Also, Rosa Peral’s ex -husband has added: “I feel A little exhausted for everything that revolves around this case over so many years. What else It hurts is that this event remains so media After so long and that a television character has been created. This indirectly affects my daughters and, at the same time, also direct victims of this crimeof whom, unfortunately, it seems that nobody remembers. “
“Some are dealing with this issue so that little or nothing helps protect my daughter’s intimacy. I don’t know if it’s for unconsciousness or for another reason. But It is clear that they have not taken into account their well -being“Rubén said that, finally, he has sentenced:” I want to make a plea, that the figure of the minors is respected“
Finally, Alfonso Egea, collaborator of Let’s seehe has sentenced: “Rubén’s intention was to be here with us, but His little daughter, who is affected in this story, has asked him not to do so. For this reason, this man has sought an alternative and sent us a letter telling us everything. “
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