On February 22, a convoy of the National Police stopped a seven-seater van on the Barcelona road (A-2), at its entrance in Madrid. The vehicle had just left a kind of wundle to the road, … On Ezequiel Peñalver Street (Barajas), which is nothing other than the headquarters or ‘House’ Club of the Los Angeles del Hell (Hell’s Angels) chapter in Madrid and its Metropolitan Crown.
The other group of this biker criminal band is in the mountains. In a joint operation with Civil Guard, the Transnational Criminal Organizations section of the UDYCO Central disrupted the two years of escape from Michael Matthews Murray. With 35 years, he is one of the fat fish of this international mafia. He was sought, among other things, for a shipment of half a ton of cocaine to his country, New Zealand, and commission the murder of a member of another rival band, in Romania.
In Madrid he had been in a double life with false documentation of Slovakia, taking the subway and the vicinity, with his own transport fertilizer, and, of course, pointed to the gym. With names and date of birth also unreal. He lived in the exclusive Count of Orgaz, very close to the headquarters of Angels of Hell, thanks to the coverage provided by the leaders of this ‘Motoclub’ in the capital. After that operation, he sleeps in jail, waiting for his extradition.
The biker criminal gangs have been in Spain since 1997, first in Barcelona and Valencia. The angels of hell are the main ones, born in the 50s of the last century in the United States. Each of the two chapters in Madrid has a minimum of five members, at least in its hierarchical structure, which is divided, they explain to ABC Police sources: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, Route Captain and Sergeant. Then, there are the base members and the ‘prospects’ or applicants, who can wait years to be full members of the band.
In Spain, they appear in the Registry of Associations of the Ministry of Interior, such as around one hundred biker entities of the entire national landscape. Of that hundred, there is a part that moves and is financed with clearly criminal activities. In our region, in addition to the angels of hell, they are bandits (the second group in importance), does not surrender, Satudarah, Orkos, Comancheros, Rebels … “When someone wants to launch a motoclub, they must ask permission from the greatest, the angels of hell,” they explain. This is what Orkos did in 2002, based in Móstoles.
‘Scarter’ forum
The ‘Club Houses’ are the physical meeting points, but the virtual, such as Instagram, Facebook or the ‘Scrapping’ forum. It is estimated that in the region there are ten of these criminal organizations, in Torrejón de la Calzada, improved in the field or Alcobendas and San Sebastián de los Reyes, in addition to the cities already mentioned.
They are exported bands, for example, from Australia and with neo -Nazi ideology. This is the case of Rebels and Comancheros; Sorbre the latter, the National Police carried out an operation in 2023 against its leaders, who fell into the headquarters, in Guadalajara, and have international connections in Australia, Turkey, France and Germany.
In our borders, another important biker band is Coraceros, which has suburbs members (radicals split from the Atlético Front) and also stopped ultras of the Boixos Nois. Despite his fascist character, it is not difficult to find some Moroccan members even with the tattooed swastika.

Krakens, Black Ravens, Comanches, Vippers … The payroll of criminal organizations is very wide, with around one hundred people moving in the Madrid sphere. Its favorite criminal activity is drug trafficking, taking precisely these tentacles with other countries and the ideal geographical position of our country in the orbit of the narco.
“The hashish, for example, bring it from Morocco to the coast of Huelva or Cádiz, and in caleated vehicles they transfer them to other European countries, where their price, which is between 1,500 and 2,000 euros per kilo, is doubled,” explains an inspector under the command of one of the police section. Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland are the most repeated destinations, with the case of Finland in the illegal trafficking of Anabolizers.
Sun, Beach and Luxury Hortera
The control of discos, as seen on the Costa del Sol (one of the places with the greatest implementation) is fundamental, because who takes the reins of security also has that of the drug that moves in those night environments. Madrid is a main scenario in the passage of narcotics, although the greatest presence is in the Malaga coast, the Costa Blanca and Catalonia.
In fact, despite being implemented in all these places, its main members in Spain remain from Sweden, Denmark, England and Germany (in this country, the angels of hell are illegal, unlike ours). They seek, in addition to a geographical strategy as a drug entry to the continent, a climate and much more comfortable living conditions. They surround, in fact, of the most opulent and horta luxury.
As with ultras soccer groups, their fondness for motorcycles is still an excuse to proselytize and mask their criminal activities. Very often, the locals in Madrid where they have their social headquarters become illegal boxing evenings, rock concerts and what they advertise as “erotic shows”, with naked girls practicing dance in American bars or ‘pool dance’. The machismo campaates at ease among the biker clubs, where they have no place in leadership structures and their presence beyond is marginal.

Account settings are at the time of day. For example, there is currently an open conflict between Los Angeles del Hell and Comanches, a club created a year ago in Barcelona and Marbella with ‘deserters’ of the former. The betrayals are paid as in the sects, in blood. Recent hunts have occurred between rivals, debt charges or the shooting of two bandits members. Even a biker burned with a Molotov cocktail when he tried to burn one of the Los Angeles del Hell, a few months ago.
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