Three are expected Galaxy S25 with the standard version, the Plus version and the Ultra version. Its features will include a broader color palette, while the chip on board will be Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite. With 6.2-inch, 6.7-inch and 6.8-inch Amoled displays, the newcomers will be based on the proprietary AI platform, which in turn should focus on the photographic part. Samsung is also expected to unveil upcoming smart glasses for mixed reality. The announcements not only surround the S25, it is possible that Xiaomi, Oppo and OnePlus will make their new lines official in the first months.
New Nintendo Switch console
The second generation of Switch will be presented in March, the next Nintendo console that will take a leap forward with a refined design and a larger screen: LCD and not OLED, the long-awaited magnetic latch control that will finally put an end to the problem of involuntary movements, cartridge retention to guarantee total backward compatibility with the first generation and a kickstand more stable. According to the latest rumors, the base for connecting the console to the television will allow up to 4K at 30 frames per second.
iPhone Se 2025
The 2025 generation of the iPhone Se will be the one of change in terms of design, since will dispense with the TouchID embedded in the home button to make way for biometric recognition technology based on FaceID and lines similar to those of the iPhone 15. The chip will consist of 4 nanometers and 5G modules without millimeter waves, in addition, it will be prepared to work with Apple Intelligence. Its sale is scheduled for spring; perhaps at the same time that the AI ​​ecosystem becomes a reality in Europe.
Tesla Model Q electric
A recent Tesla filing with Deutsch Bank of New York mentions an upcoming “economy vehicle” that won’t be called Model 2 or Model Q. The model is rumored to be a self-driving taxi, with a 15% smaller footprint and 30% less weight than the Model 3. The battery would start at 53 kWh, with prices starting at $30,000. Production would begin in mid-2025, with a first batch at the end of the year, although Tesla is often notorious for being late.
Sony WH-1000XM6 headphones
Sony’s WH1000XM range of headphones has become synonymous with the highest listening quality, and above all, the best noise cancellation technology for sound purists looking for comfortable options, with long battery life and good performance. companion app. The headphones will be seen in the first half of the year, along with wireless versions called WF-1000XM6.
Smartphones Pixel 9a and Pixel 10
Google could present two product lines of smartphones in 2025, since still The mid-range model Pixel 9a is expected, which will have some similarities with its predecessor 9, and which is warming up for the next Pixel 10which will be accompanied by an XL variant and a folding one. The presentation is scheduled for May at the Google I/O event, where the new Android 16 operating system will also be announced.
iPhone 17 Air ultra-thin
This 2025 could welcome a fifth model known as Air, due to its thinness never before seen in another model. Of course, some concessions would have to be made at the level of hardwareespecially in the battery, but there is a lot of expectation behind this new special model. The iPhones will not change much in terms of design, therefore, the possibility of the Pro Max incorporating horizontal sensors is ruled out. Along with the new iPhones, the new Apple Watch range will also be presentedwhich will also open the door to a renewed Ultra model in 2025.
MacBook Pro with M5 chip
This fall it will also be the turn of the MacBook Pro with the new proprietary M5 platformwhich will increase performance for the most demanding users in the field of graphics processing or complex tasks. Higher performance will also better support all Apple Intelligence-based functions.
KI standard for home appliances
The KI standard is dedicated to the world of small appliances, such as mixers, blenders, air fryers, ovens and all types of appliances that can support a maximum power of 2,200 watts. Its particularity is that it works without being physically connected to power outlets, for greater freedom of action thanks to bases with wireless induction charging similar to that of the smartphones. The first models will arrive at the beginning of the year from Philips and Midea.
Next generation Vision Pro
At the beginning of summer, in June, Apple’s usual WWDC developer conference will take place, at which all operating systems for the manufacturer’s product lines will be made official. Besides, two new ones could be announced: the next Vision Pro and a new 2nd AirTagto Generation in the foreground. The glasses will have M5 chips and will work with Apple Intelligence; The tracker will be faster, safer and more powerful.
Grand Theft Auto 6
The year could culminate with one of the most anticipated technology announcements not only of 2025, but also of the last decade. Grand Theft Auto 6 could be released during the next holiday seasonending the year with a game that is very expensive to produce and is based on the massive success of GTA 5.
Article originally published in WIRED Italy, Adapted by Alondra Flores.
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