San Pedro del PinatarMurcia, has been awarded the fourth and fifth prize corresponding to 77768 and 37876, respectively.
The number 11840 has been the awarded with the third prize of the 2024 Christmas Lottery Draw. This prize, endowed with 500,000 euros for the series, is one of the most anticipated after “El Gordo” and the second prize, distributing luck among the holders of the tenth winners on this day of Sunday, December 22.
The third prize with 11840 has fallen in Catarroja, one of the municipalities most affected by DANA. The lucky ones who have this number get 500,000 euros for the series, or what is the same, 50,000 euros per tenth.
The number 37876 has been graced with the first fifth prize of the 2024 Christmas Lottery Draw. This prize, worth 60,000 euros for the series, is distributed among the winning tenths, which means that the lucky owners of this number will receive 6,000 euros per tenth.
The number has fallen municipality of Sort, which belongs to Lleida, Catalonia. Its name means “luck” in Catalan, it is famous for its many prizes and is a place of pilgrimage for many buyers of tenths.
#Christmas #Lottery #San #Pedro #del #Pinatar #Murcia #awarded #fourth #prize