The bill against food waste that Congress approved yesterday came with an amendment that will change the system by which it is determined which agricultural organizations are representative in Spain. It is not a minor issue, since it depends on this recognition, for example, that an organization be consulted by the Administration when it is going to make a legislative change. Until now the only ones that had that rank were Asaja, Coag and UPA. Union of Unions was left out, but last week the PSOE, Sumar, ERC, Junts, Bildu, PNV and Podemos agreed to reform the election system via amendment to the waste law. It is not the first time that the processing of a norm is used to approve another that has nothing to do with it, but on this occasion there was controversy because, in practice, with yesterday’s change representativeness was granted to the Union of Unions. Related News Exploitations agricultural report No The Spanish countryside is increasingly concentrated in fewer hands Xavier Vilaltella In Spain there are 914,871 agricultural holdings, 30% less than in 1999, and they are a 26% largerIn statements to the media, the president of Asaja, Pedro Barato, asked that the system not be used as “payment for services provided.” He did not give more details, but it must be remembered that Unión de Uniones and UPA were the only ones who agreed to sign the now famous package of 43 measures proposed by the Ministry. More belligerent, Coag and Asaja did not participate because they believed that the measures were insufficient. Beyond this, Pedro Barato assured that they will abide by the system that is adopted, whether it is electoral or not, although he stated that to know if an organization has weight there are other criteria, such as the analysis of the number of offices, files, employees and works carried out in recent years. That of representativeness was a pending issue, since it must be remembered that the last law, approved in 2014 during the government of Mariano Rajoy, planned to carry out a consultation throughout Spain to determine which organizations were the most relevant, one that has not been done. in all this time. Due to pressure from the Unión de Uniones, which denounced a grievance, this reform now arrives, which changes the system so that representativeness is decided by elections in the autonomous communities in which there are them and by another mechanism where this is not the case. Even so, to be eligible, organizations will have to meet certain minimums, such as being constituted as state agrarian takeover bids. Discussions aside, what Asaja and Unión de Uniones did agree on yesterday was considering that an amendment to the food waste law was not the way to address the problem of representativeness.
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