Christmas is a magical holiday for children. Lights, mystery and illusion come together at this stage of the year, where everything seems possible. Plus, the holidays are coming. The excitement of these days will not keep them entertained forever, so it is a good idea to be prepared during this festive period. There are a large number of activities, inside and outside the home, with which you will achieve an unforgettable family Christmas.
The Naughty Elf
A plan that can entertain the little ones throughout Christmas is the Naughty Elf. It involves making children follow the antics of an elf who lives at home. Known in its beginnings as Elf on the Shelf (in Spanish, Elfo en la EstanterÃa), it is a tradition that was born in the United States for commercial purposes. This year it has been imported to our country, and to put it into practice you don’t need to spend a single euro, just your imagination.
It is possible that you have seen videos of the Naughty Elf on your social networks, but you don’t know how to put it into practice at home. First of all, tell the story of the elf to the little ones in the house. Some elves were sent by Santa Claus with the aim of watching the children and informing him if they have been good. But, over time, the elves have begun to get up to the same pranks as the children. Once the little ones in the house know the story, you must reveal to them that one of those elves has settled in the house.
You must acquire or make your own Naughty Elf, which must be a small doll. Write a letter of introduction from the elf to the children, written in the first person, explaining that you are an elf who has come to ensure that the children behave well. If they know your handwriting, ask a friend to write it for you.
Now is the time to prepare the elf’s trick. It is important that they are harmless things, like this magical being starting to do a puzzle at home or kidnapping your child’s toys. Set it up as if you were setting up a scene and have the elf carrying out the trick, as if he had been caught red-handed. If the children ask why the elf doesn’t move, explain that in order to keep a good eye on the children, he pretends to be a doll.
This activity is not only for fun, it can also help children learn different morals, which you can explain through a letter from the elf. The elf can, for example, fill the bathroom floor with towels and the bathtub with soap. The next day, you can send a letter apologizing, saying that by trying to take a bath, you have ruined everything because you are too small. You can then explain the importance of bathing every day.
The Naughty Elf can have other functions, since if your children do not behave well, you can send them a letter from the elf warning them that he is going to tell all their pranks to Santa Claus.
Santa Claus factories
Many town councils, large or small, have joined the initiative of preparing gift factories within the town councils. These activities, which are usually free, are designed to be spent as a family, so you and the kids can have a memorable afternoon.
These events are presented in various ways. They can range from visits to the use, where the children will be explained the work of the toy factory. They can also be authentic mystery stories, where the little ones in the house will be the protagonists of a plot to save Christmas.
Whether they have one theme or another, they can be the perfect opportunity for children to interact with their peers and test their ingenuity.
home theater
If you have an event with many children at home or you are a large family, an opportunity to entertain everyone and awaken their creativity is a home theater. It is an activity that can be extended throughout the entire day, so they will be entertained during that time. It consists of all of you preparing a short play, from the costumes, to the script and the interpretation of the scene.
First of all, we recommend that you have basic materials prepared to prepare any character’s outfit. They can be, for example, cardboard, feathers or face paints. Keep in mind that they must be materials adapted to their age and with which they cannot harm themselves. Then, write the scene together. It should be brief, and if you want to further exploit the children’s capacity for ingenuity, it does not have to have dialogue: you just need to decide what each character will do in the scene and the children will interpret it freely.
Assign the roles, we recommend that you try to decide between them. If there is no consensus, you can always do a draw. Now, each child will prepare their own costume that, for more excitement, they can prepare in a limited time. Remind them that this is not a competition for the prettiest costume and that you are just having fun. Finally, it’s time to continue enjoying playing the scene. Don’t hesitate to have fun, whether it turns out perfectly or if there are mistakes.
Christmas markets
One of the quintessential Christmas plans is a walk through the Christmas markets. Most municipalities usually organize at least one over a long period of time, so it can be a multi-day activity. Markets are an excellent opportunity to have fun with the little ones, but they can also help them learn.
If you want, you can give them a small budget so they can buy their things at the markets, helping them learn to manage their money. As an added bonus, they will also learn to interact with sellers. In addition to something for them, you can also task them with buying small gifts for their friends and family.
This is also a great opportunity for them to learn about the importance of local commerce. Many of the vendors may run a small business, and some of them may be willing to explain to children how their business works and how they make their products.
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