For some, Christmas is endearing and beautiful, for others it is hectic and somewhat uncomfortable, and for others it can even be distressing and stressful. The days before Christmas and the Christmas holidays themselves are usually days in which external demands of all kinds multiply: appointments to meet (with friends, family, co-workers…), gift shopping, thinking about the Christmas menu, decorating the house or even taking care of everything that needs to be finished at work to take a day off during the holidays.
That excess demands (not always appetizing) in a limited time is the perfect cocktail to increase levels of stress. And if we add to this that quite a few people live this stage with some high expectations, The equation seems complicated. As Esperanza Sebastián proposes (@esperanza_sebastian), pedagogue, coach and expert in stress management, the key to spending this time of year with more peace of mind and greater enjoyment lies in planning, simplifying, delegating, calculating and choosing. This is how he explains it in the form of practical and concrete advice:
1. Be clear about your priorities. Think about what is important to you during these holidays and what makes you most happy: the reunion with family, friends, gifts, meals… That will be your priority, what will make you enjoy it. And I know it’s going to be difficult, but remove the rest of the tasks from your “must-have” list. You know what the saying goes: “He who covers a lot, squeezes little.”
2. Simplify celebrations. You like to be a great hostess and, therefore, you go out of your way to decorate, prepare food, and give gifts. You feel responsible and want everything to be perfect. What if this year you make the motto “less is more” yours? Look for simple alternatives for decoration, for making food and for everything you want to do. Christmas is also a time for you to celebrate.
3. Delegate tasks. Christmas is for everyone. You don’t have to do it all yourself! Involve your family or friends in the celebrations. Delegate some tasks to them because this way you won’t be so stressed and they will feel like an active part of the party. They will be happy to contribute their grain of sand. Assume that Christmas does not have to be perfect, according to your criteria. Accept that there will be times when things don’t go as you expected because it is impossible to control everything. And this is a huge stressor, instead, I suggest you laugh and move on. Don’t dwell on what has no solution.
4. Organize your agenda. On these dates that we all want to celebrate, celebrations multiply without us realizing it, they appear at any time. What if the work lunch, friends, family, acquaintances from the club… Set limits and say no to some commitments. Because you already know that Christmas with this type of celebrations begins in November and with this rhythm you will arrive exhausted and without energy to the celebrations that you really look forward to because they are moments of reunion and emotions.
5. Make yourself a budget. Be proactive and establish a budget, more or less flexible, to spend this Christmas. Unforeseen or excessive expenses cause us stress and feelings of guilt. Try to adapt to your income because the important thing is not the value of the gift but the love that is in it. Plus, you can always opt for handmade details or rewarding experiences. In this way, you not only give value to what we have but also to what is behind a show of affection.
6. Disconnect from your networks. Stop hanging on your cell phone and connect with those next to you or with yourself. If you want to leave the pressure of your daily life, reduce the time you spend on screens. The world is not going to end if you are not there to post your comment or like. The world can go on without you and you without it. Live in the present moment, there is nothing more relaxing than living in the “Now” without thinking or judging.
7. Practice self-care. You will say that it is impossible in the midst of the whirlwind of Christmas to find time for yourself. But you can’t give to others what you don’t have. You can take care of yourself in many ways and without having to consume, which I haven’t said lose, a lot of time. A walk, a reading, a hot tea, a relaxing bath, you know, creativity to power.
8. Connect with the essence. Christmas is a time of happiness, of joy, of connection from the heart with the people we love. It is a time of shared emotions, of warm hugs, of contagious laughter. What you will remember is not what you did but how you felt with whoever you shared that moment with.
For his part, the psychologist Tomás Navarro (@tomasnavarropsi) remembers the importance of making it easy for yourself, adjusting expectations, and focusing on what’s important. In this sense, he proposes to make a assessment and adjustment of expectations Regarding these dates, sometimes what we have in mind is not feasible and that is something that, as Navarro remembers, generates a lot of anxiety. «If what you want is for everything to turn out perfect but the reality is that there are countless factors that you do not control, it is likely that things will not turn out the way you want, so the key is ‘wabi sabi’ and welcoming imperfection », proposes the psychologist who reveals that, just by adjusting those expectations, one can take off a lot of pressure.
Listen to Tomás Navarro’s advice for a stress-free Christmas.
He also explains that it is also advisable to act when these expectations do not have to do with the desire for everything to turn out perfect but with the fear that the worst will happen: from the food burning to the family fighting or even a misfortune happening. On this matter, the psychologist warns: “When you anticipate that what is going to happen on these dates is not going to be pretty, you will experience everything with stress before it happens and you will also have that feeling without knowing if something bad is really going to happen.” comments. That is, according to a anticipatory fear.
Finally, the psychologist proposes that to relieve tension, the ideal is that when the time approaches, it is advisable let everything flow. And how do you make everything flow? And how does it flow? Focusing on what is important. «Is the important thing that you get the perfect Wellington sirloin or that you are all together? For everything to flow, the ideal is to delegate to people, processes or services. For example, if cooking stresses you a lot, maybe you can order food from a caterer, or if you don’t have the perfect tableware, maybe you can take the edge off with disposable plates and cutlery, or bamboo or any other type. stuff. “Is it better that the host or hostess is in a good mood or that he or she has spent two days cooking and has been so stressed out trying to get everything right that he or she almost no longer feels like talking or smiling?” he argues.
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