Today, Thursday, December 12, 2024, the Christian Saints celebrate the Saint of Our Lady of Guadalupefollowed by other names that you can consult right here.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is one of the best-known manifestations of the Virgin Mary, originating in Mexico. According to Vatican accounts, Jesus’ mother appeared four times to the Chichimeca indigenous Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin on the Tepeyac hill. Furthermore, it was once shown to Juan Bernardino, Juan Diego’s uncle.
Today, they are the people who will celebrate their Saint. The Catholic Church commemorates Our Lady of Guadalupeon this Thursday, December 12, 2024. But, in addition, Amonaria, Corentino, Eadburga, Spyridon, Finiano, Israel, Epimachius, Mercuria, Simón Phan Dác Hòa, Valarico, Vicelino are also important today.
Why do we celebrate saint’s day of each person? This tradition comes from the Christian faith and celebrates the life of a relevant person within the Christian faith who dedicated/gave his life to bring the Christian faith to people who needed it.
From ABC we put at your disposal the entire list of saints that are celebrated today on the occasion of this tradition that is so deeply rooted in the Catholic Church and that makes the saints list so extensive.
He Roman Martyrology lists the names of the saints as we know them. This name refers to a type of catalog that the Vatican updates by replacing new saints after canonization.
Today’s name day, December 12
Although today’s celebration is Our Lady of Guadalupethe saints list is much larger so today they also commemorate their saint Amonaria, Corentino, Eadburga, Spyridon, Finiano, Israel, Epimachius, Mercuria, Simón Phan Dác Hòa, Valarico, Vicelino. This is because today, December 12, is also the onomastics of:
Simón Phan Dác Hòa
© Library of Christian Authors (JL Repetto, All Saints. 2007)
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