Oscar was among the list of nominees of the week in Big Brotherbut he didn’t know it. Was Edi, the one in charge of bringing his partner to the fore at the last gala, when he got the blue egg and had that secret power.
They showed the images and the man in question was left speechless. “I sensed it,” acknowledged the Basque. “I don’t want you to leave under any circumstances, but I think you have a lot of people behind you because you have a lot of charisma and that’s how you can fire Daniela,” Edi explained.
“From a game point of view, it makes sense“, Óscar accepted, although it did not mean that he was nervous about his chances of leaving Guadalix’s house. “I don’t like exposing myself, I’m scared to death because of the issue of going to the set,” he revealed.
Edi repeated several times the reason why he had chosen Óscar: “He has strength, and the more people you can get to go the same way [expulsar a Daniela]better”.
Finally, Ion Aramendi He listed the official nominees of the week, of which one would leave the following Tuesday: “Adrián, Daniela, Maica, Óscar and Violeta.” Furthermore, he revealed the blind percentages so far: 34%, 31%, 22%, 8% and 5%.
#Edi #explanations #direct #Oscar #nomination #Big #Brother #throw #Daniela