The Socialist Party of Cantabria is one of the federations that reach the 41st Federal Congress of the PSOEwhich this weekend brings together different socialist leaders in Seville, who propose a divided and dubious leadership. With two lists almost on par in voting and a struggle that has made Ferraz involved in the final decision that the Cantabrian delegation be led by Susana Herránthe situation in Cantabria is not different from most delegations.
In fact, The only leaderships that, at this point, are not in doubt are those of the regional presidents, Salvador Illa (Catalonia), Emiliano García-Page (Castilla-La Mancha), Adrián Barbón (Asturias) and María Chivite (Navarra), as well as that of Eneko Andueza (Basque Country), Ángel Víctor Torres (Canary Islands) and Francina Armengol (Balearic Islands).
Sabers are ringing in the PSOE, which Among the indisputable men are some of Sánchez’s critics, such as Lambán and Pagewho are joined by the leaders in Castilla y León, Madrid and Extremadura. In Cantabria, Herrán’s leadership this weekend is not disputed even by Zuloaga himself, who assured abide by the party’s decisionthat invalidated the decision of the Cantabria Ethics Committeewhich accepted the appeal of the current general secretary of the PSOE-PSOE,
However, it is Zuloaga who continues to dominate the statements to the media and has decided to take the initiative at the beginning of the Federal Congress, which will take place throughout the weekend.
He too parliamentary spokesperson, Pablo Zuloagahas reported that Spain is “full of ‘helpers’ that put obstacles in the way of our country’s progress,” in reference to Popular Party governments such as that of Cantabria, which is “anti-system” because “they refuse to give answers and comply with the Law.” state housing”.
This is what Zuloaga has denounced in the inaugural Agora of the 41st Federal Congress, together with the Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez; the Secretary of Democratic Memory and Coexistence of the PSE-EE and Minister of Housing Urban Agenda of the Basque Government, Denis Itxaso: the general secretary of the PSOE of Getafe and mayor of the city, Sara Hernández and the general secretary of the Socialist Youth of Spain, Victor Camino.
Zuloaga, who has preferred to follow the party lines and talk about housing, has wanted to “unmask” a Popular Party, which has “fertilized ground as we say in Cantabriabecause the speculative market supports the right-wing idea of land liberalization.”
Something that, he has considered, It is “a mistake” because “it does not help people stay in rural areas, but rather it helps people get rich with land with which they speculate.”. And this doesn’t just happen in Santander or Laredo, it also happens in any municipality in the tourist areas.” “We must stop housing for tourist use and the PP encourages it”and has denounced that the decree regulating housing for tourist use “does not arrive because they are not interested”, in addition to accusing the popular ones of benefiting the “large holders and those who have the most”, which “harms the majority citizen of our country.”
“They do not understand that what they are doing is defrauding the citizens of Cantabria,” he censured, while at the same time “they put the sustainability of the housing market at risk” in a double perspective, both environmental, because “they want to turn Cantabria into the Ibiza of the north with the risks that it poses for access to housing in a climatic refuge like Cantabria today.
For these reasons, has called to “assume responsibility when we govern an autonomy, a city council or lead the opposition, as the Government of Spain does, or the Government of Euskadi with the socialists at the forefront of housing policies or from the municipalities governed by the PSOEbut also when we lead the opposition.” Finally, he congratulated the Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodríguez, because “she shows she wants to take Spain forward”, with the “leadership” of the President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez.
#PSOE #Cantabria #arrives #Federal #Congress #divided #leadership #uncertainty