The solidarity concert Catalonia in the Valencian Country, which will be shared by groups such as Oques Grasses, Figa Flawas or Sopa de Cabra, among others, has been recaptured 370,000 euros and how it is going to explain the day of the performance will open to the voltant of 15,000 peopletot i the pluja that will force to close the directe for half an hour. The performance, organized by the ANC and Òmnium Cultural, will take place on November 22nd at Maria Cristina Avenue in Barcelona.
These diners aim to reverse the effects of DANA in the Valencian Country in three areas: social, cultural and educational. Així mateix, the period per fer donatius will be extended through row zero of the web End of King’s Day. els projects that highlight solidarity contributions It is public faran during the propers dies, to the point that the finality of the recapture will focus on social projects and the reconstruction of educational and cultural spaces linked to language and culture in the Valencian Country.
The president of the Catalan National Assembly, Lluís Llach, celebrated that “the concert has continued to be a magnificent exercise of solidarity with the Valencian Country.” Llach has valued the participation of all musical, technical and volunteer groups with a gesture of sincere fraternity against the pain of a country with which “we share history, language and future.” The president of the Assembly has thanked everyone who has contributed the help of sorra.
Per la seva banda, Xavier Antich, president of Òmnium Cultural, has considered that the one he has achieved with this historic concert “is exceptional and wonderful” and has highlighted the fet of bringing together six decades of Catalan music in a stage material from a great name of people young and supportive. “The message of germany and transversality of the country has been clearly clear and solidarity has exceeded any expectations,” he said.
Another concert in solidarity with these parties
This event is celebrated an other solidarity concert in the Valencian Country, in this case organized by the Barcelona City Council. At the moment it has sold more than 12,000 entries and has surpassed the 650,000 euros recaptats. Tindrà will go to the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona and Joan Manuel Serrat, Estopa, Andrea Motis, Judit Neddermann and Lucia Fumero will perform. Face is you can buy tickets to the web.
#solidarity #concert #Catalunya #amb #País #Valencià #raises #euros