Ezentis manages to cut its operating red numbers by over 80% in the first nine months of 2024. The listed company closed the month of September with an EBITDA of -1.2 million eurosa cut of 84% compared to the red numbers of 7.3 million registered in the same period of the previous year.
The firm, however, also reduced its turnover to double digits. The drop was 27%, obtaining a turnover of 10.5 million compared to the 14.3 million in the 2023 campaign, according to the accounts sent to the CNMV.
Ezentis attributed the fall to the completion of some contracts last year and to the “prioritization” of the financing raising process, which has postponed the planned increases in activity until the first quarter of 2025.
Regarding EBITDA performance, the company has highlighted that the adaptation of the expense structure to the group’s current scope of activity and the focus on “operational efficiency” have led to a year-on-year improvement of this magnitude.
In addition, Ezentis’s net financial debt closed September at around 100,000 euroscompared to 400,000 euros at the end of December 2023, a reduction that the company attributes to having converted the financing formalized at the end of last year for an amount of two million euros into shares.
#Ezentis #cuts #losses #sells