The neighbors of Catarrojathe town furthest from the city of Valencia, are still “in emergency mode,” as Jose Vicente Alberola, one of the town’s parish priests, tells ABC.
Twelve days after the disaster DANAthe mud reaches up to the knees in the streets of the center, where machines are still scarce and volunteers – coming from all over the country – strive to help with everything that is required of them, especially bringing food and basic items. need to the homes of the town’s elderly, who cannot travel to the collection points, distributed throughout Catarroja.
Volunteers from different State bodies have arrived here. There are people from Seville, Huesca, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha or Barcelona. Many of them have come to help on their days off.
The situation remains critical, especially because the streets are still not clean. Even so, progress is beginning to be seen thanks to the most supportive faces of DANA.
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