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I don’t usually frequent social networks, but I do use Twitter malgré moi and despite the fact that it is ruled by that new Crassus called Elon Musk, who after earning fifteen billion dollars in a single day intends to apply his policy of personnel cuts to the North American administration. All of this comes from the fact that in that medium I have been disparagingly called a “boomer” to criticize the contents of an article of mine, as if that name made you someone incapable of understanding what is happening.
This is partially true. There are many things that I cannot assimilate, such as the fact that the most disadvantaged can vote for a tycoon with open legal cases and conduct that is not exemplary in all areas, as he reminds us. the movie ‘The Apprentice’. But this was already predicted by Rousseau in his Discourse on Inequality and has happened more times throughout history. In my opinion, with Trump, misinformation and inequality have triumphed. That is why I believe that we must tend to colonize social networks, directly or indirectly questioning that hegemonic thought that is committed to dividing humanity into two categories, that of the losers and the winners, as if the strictly economic perspective could define the people.
But back to the boomer thing. The truth is that it has only been relatively recently that I have been aware of belonging to that group based on date of birth. I have always considered myself more of the generation of ’68, that May when the riot broke out, especially in Paris. He was only ten years old then, but as Ortega thought, generations must span certain periods, no matter how much the march of time has accelerated.
For me the next generation would be that of ’89, for the fall of the Berlin Wall. Then would come the one in 2001 for the Twin Towers in New York and then we would move on to the global confinement of 2020, no matter how much we want to forget about the traumas caused by the pandemic. In between we would have the 15M among us.
The youthful spirit is not only compatible with the date of birth
Of course, this catalog is very personal and debatable. But it is also true to talk about Boomers because of the baby boom that occurred after the Second World War, then applying an X to the next generation, Y to millennials and Z to centennials. Especially because we exhaust the letters of the alphabet in an apocalyptic way. I prefer to talk about the “Parisian” generation of 68, the “Berlin” generation of 89, the “New York” generation of 2001, the “Madrid” generation of 2014 and the “cosmopolitan” generation of 2020.
However, the youthful spirit is not only compatible with the date of birth. There are very tall people who exude vitality, although the subscriber does not say so, while a certain youth embraces very old-fashioned ideas. In any case, it does not seem appropriate to use the word boomer as an insult, regardless of the pirouettes that are done with the fruit.
#Reflections #boomer #belongs #generation