The Songbook of the European Union It was published this Tuesday, after nine years of workwith 164 songs, six from each of the 27 countries that make up the EU, including Mediterranean of Joan Manuel Serrat, Free by Nino Bravo and composed by José Luis Armenteros and Pablo Herrero, or the anthem of the Principality of Asturias.
The project, created by the Association of Songbooks of the European Union, has gone ahead with the participation of more than 100 musical organizations and conservatories and through public voting that was covered by more than 400 media outlets and involved more than 87,000 citizens from across the European Union.
The 164 songs have been presented in its 25 original languages and are accompanied by a version in “singable European English”, as the association points out on its website.
In the case of Spain, In 2019 the songs were nominated with the help of the Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid (ESCM), the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid, the Department of Music of the University of Granada and the Department of Art and Musicology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
In the love songs category it appears If you are not here (1996), by Rosana Arbelo; In the Nature and Seasons category there is Mediterranean (1971), by Serrat; in the Freedom and peace category highlights Freeby Nino Bravo.
On the other hand, in the Popular Songs category Asturias, beloved homeland; in Songs about faith is The Saeta (1969), by Antonio Machado y Serrat; and in children’s songs Hello, Don Pepitoby Ramón del Rivero.
#Libre #Nino #Bravo #Mediterráneo #Serrat #among #Spanish #songs #included #Songbook