Work, housework or childcare are factors that can generate stress in the daily lives of many people. The main problem is none other than the feeling of not distributing time well or not dedicating a few minutes to oneself.
All of this, of course, will have serious repercussions on each individual.. And the fact is that, to optimize mental performance and for the brain to function correctly, well-being must first be achieved, without spending time on what there’s no need.
To take into account
Given this panorama, thea neuroscientist at the University of Cambridge, Mithu Storonihas revealed six habits to achieve the best mental state. In her latest Hyperefficient publication, the expert has highlighted three keys that include the same parameters: scheduling tasks according to brain rhythm, avoid possible distractions and understand the job availability of the people around you.
And that’s not all. The neuroscientist has pointed out that breaks are necessary to get the most out of concentration. His idea is a work day organized in blocks of 90 minutes, alternating rest of 10 to 20 minutes.
The goal? It’s clear: clear your mind and regain concentration. In this way, at the beginning of each block you must carry out the most complicated task – between 20 and 30 minutes – and then do the simpler ones. Next, Storoni advises executing mindless tasks, such as taking a walk or stretching your muscles.
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Another alternative is to carry out actions active mental detachmentsuch as doing a crossword puzzle or yoga. In this sense, feeding also plays a fundamental role. According to the specialist, the normal thing is eat between the 12:30 and 1:00 p.m..
Likewise, another habit that the Cambridge professional indicates is the napto recover energy. After this, if possible, long meetings should be avoided, since they only will favor distractions.
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