How many mistakes are there in politics?

Next to the women victims of sexist violence are not necessarily those who now raise their public voice and say they are and support them. Next to the women victims of machismo are those who do not doubt their story, those who do not exploit them in the political game, those who do not ask why they did not report it. At their side are those who listen to them and respect them, give them credibility and hold their hand. That is what Cristina Fallarás has done and that is what feminisms do. It’s called bodying.

It might seem that we have made some progress as a society when we hear so many statements of support and solidarity for the women who have had the misfortune of having Errejón cross their path to attack and humiliate them. However, the question remains as to whether part of this support is real or simply part of a scene of empty solidarity that lacks a thoughtful analysis concerned with how many herrings there is in their political formations. The Errejón case is not an isolated case, neither in politics, nor in culture, nor in universities, nor in factories, nor in newsrooms, nor in NGOs, nor in unions, nor in social movements, nor in social movements. in charity associations…

#mistakes #politics

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