In Ayuso’s mental dystopia, Spain is already like 1984 but with better food

It’s no longer so funny to say ‘pa’lante’ when the one who’s sweating is your boyfriend. Or when others do to you the same thing that you have been doing to your political opponents for some time. It is more difficult to present yourself as a victim if people think of you living in a million-euro apartment or riding a Maserati next to a commission agent who sports a Rolex that he has tried to sneak in as a tax-deductible expense. Your party colleagues do not see you the same after you have said that you are not going to Moncloa because you do not want to “whitewash” Pedro Sánchez, so you are accusing them of doing precisely that.

He who likes to threaten has a hard time when he is the one threatened. Dr. Feijóo already has a diagnosis about the patient’s condition. Isabel Díaz Ayuso will not meet with the president because she is very affected by the attacks she receives. “How can I not understand that any person with these conditions, simply from a mental point of view, is not in condition,” he said on Wednesday with his usual elaborate rhetoric. At least, she did not announce that she is going to take five days of her own business to reflect on her personal situation.

It was striking that Feijóo was understanding in that way. It seemed a bit condescending, but Ayuso has always known how to defend herself and it is not understood that now the PP leader claims that he has reached his limit. In the plenary session of the Madrid Assembly on Thursday, she was not seen in full power. In similar circumstances, he would have launched a merciless storm of attacks against the opposition’s critics on account of the boyfriend’s business.

“What should you call a person who has admitted in writing that crimes were certainly committed? Criminal, he doesn’t like it. Do you prefer fraudster? Tax defaulter? Scammer perhaps?” asked Manuela Bergerot, from Más Madrid. On television, Bergerot had already responded to these alternatives before: “The president’s boyfriend is a criminal, he himself has confessed it.”

Alberto González Amador’s response has been to file a lawsuit against the leader of Más Madrid and demand rectification, because otherwise he will demand compensation of 20,000 euros as “moral damages.”

His morale must be ruined. There are already nine lawsuits that he has filed, including one against Sánchez, against all those who have recalled that his lawyer admitted in a communication with the prosecutor that his client had committed two tax crimes for a debt to the Treasury of 350,000 euros. It cannot be denied that making money from lawsuits for the right to honor is legal.

Amador and his girlfriend find themselves facing a legal problem that they did not expect. The judge had rejected the request of the PSOE and Más Madrid to expand the investigation of tax crimes to their businesses with the Quirón health company, but this week she rectified and opened a separate piece. The Quirón Group has received awards from the Madrid government worth hundreds of millions.

The new avenue of investigation may affect the president of a Quirón subsidiary who is on the board of directors of the company with which Amador obtained two million euros in commission from a sale of masks. The problem would not only be not having declared all that income to the Treasury, but also how he obtained it.

Everything began to go wrong for Díaz Ayuso when he decided to apply his combat manual to the first information from this newspaper about his partner’s alleged tax crimes. Instead of limiting him to his responsibilities as a taxpayer, she became his main defense attorney. He stated at a press conference in Leganés in March that “all the power of the State” was being used against Amador and tried to turn the whole story around. It was the Treasury that owed money to Amador, not the other way around, he said.

His chief of staff, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, took it upon himself to threaten the media that reported on the case. He also circulated the hoax that the prosecutor had offered Amador a deal to close the case, but backed out due to “orders from above.” He did it the same day that Ayuso gave the Leganés press conference. The information was false, which did not prevent it from appearing in various media.

Ayuso does not stop calling her partner a “private citizen” – she also did so this Thursday – and, however, she was the one who wanted to assume the political defense of her personal interests from the first moment. The opposition immediately took him at his word. Since then, the Madrid president has not stopped insisting that they are investigating her boyfriend because he is her boyfriend.

“Everything that is happening is due to a political hunt,” Ayuso said. It is the same thing that Sánchez and his ministers affirm about the case of Begoña Gómez. The socialists have just suffered three legal defeats with the decision of the Madrid Court to allow Judge Peinado to continue with his investigations and the refusal of the Madrid TSJ to accept the complaints for prevarication presented by Sánchez as president of the Government and by his wife on a private basis.

Ayuso has not said his last word. In fact, he continues his efforts to maintain that Spain is not really a democracy, an idea as sound as when he says that “ETA is stronger than ever.” This week, the alarm level has risen to the point of stating that “Spain is already a police state.” It seems very bad to her that it is known that her boyfriend tried to deduct personal expenses such as the purchase of a Rolex and the repair of the Porsche through his company. The most ‘borroka’ and anti-system Ayuso stated at an awards ceremony that the police frequently act “outside the limits of the rule of law” and presented as examples “practices such as mass surveillance, censorship and the repression of dissent to maintain social control.”

The truth is that if Spain were a police state, she would not be president of Madrid and the Popular Party would not govern in 13 autonomous communities. There is no doubt that his love for Amador is much greater than his knowledge of dictatorships.

#Ayusos #mental #dystopia #Spain #food

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