The letter to Pedro Sánchez from intellectuals and artists in which they ask for a “comprehensive arms embargo” on Israel

Dear President Pedro Sánchez,

Different people from the world of culture join together to convey that we are deeply concerned about the serious situation of oppression and violence suffered by the Palestinian people under the genocide and regime of apartheid and Israeli occupation. As people committed to the values ​​of justice, peace and human rights, we feel the responsibility to raise our voices against the injustices that perpetuate the suffering of the Palestinian population.

We call on you to take urgent steps to impose a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel. Arms embargoes are a powerful measure to help maintain peace and have proven effective in many other contexts, and were a key tool in ending South African apartheid. We know it is in your hands. It is not only a moral imperative, but also an obligation under international law.

We have been watching with horror for too many months the massacres that Israel carries out every day. The provision of weapons and ammunition from Spain, the transit of weapons and military fuel through our territory and the purchase of military material contribute to perpetuating the occupation and financing a genocide on the Palestinian people, and increase the loss of life and suffering of civilians.

At the international level, Spain has stood out as a country that has positioned itself in favor of peace and the Palestinian people. But it is not enough. As long as Spain continues to have military relations with Israel, it will continue to be complicit in this massacre. The population of the Spanish State has been filling the streets for months demanding measures from their Government. He must listen to the people who do not want to be complicit in this massacre.

A Government like the one you preside over, which defines itself as progressive and seeks to champion the defense of human rights and international law at a global level, must do much more for the rights of the Palestinian people and the Lebanese people by adding its voice to that of other nations that have already stopped the arms trade with Israel and thus show themselves as a beacon of light among so much darkness.

The Palestinian people have endured decades of occupation, displacement and systematic violations of their fundamental rights. It is the responsibility of the international community, including Spain, not to be complicit, directly or indirectly, in this regime of oppression. The arms embargo is a concrete and urgent action to put an end to excessive violence and contribute to a just solution.

We trust you to take a courageous and coherent stance and support international efforts that seek lasting peace based on justice and respect for human rights. History will judge us by our actions in critical moments like this. We cannot continue to allow Israel to take more Palestinian lives. Let’s put an end to this horror.

We hope for your prompt and firm response to this request, which reflects the desire to build a future where the rights and dignity of all peoples are respected.

#letter #Pedro #Sánchez #intellectuals #artists #comprehensive #arms #embargo #Israel

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