It’s the juristocracy, stupid

It is the exuberance and exhibitionism of the power of the judges that denies the democratic role and relevance of the division of powers and, singularly, shows a special animosity against the executive and legislative powers.

ANALYSIS | Truths and lies about the case against the State Attorney General

In order not to get into technicalities, easy to dismantle but of great power in the hands of the buleros, I will say it in more accessible language: the Supreme Court, in one way or another, was going to hook the Attorney General of the State, even the more well-intentioned judges and no less cowards. There is the matter of hoaxes, the great hoax of the court box, a tortuous instruction, like others, that would not pass a first-class procedural exam among my best teachers, a calm reading of the Organic Statute of the Public Prosecutor’s Office would suffice but it would not matter, The State Attorney General has to fall.

In the arena of meanings of the spectacle, there are always unwelcome guests, and in it, the popular spokesperson Miguel Tellado, confessing that the government and its president must be overthrown no matter what, is still a clumsy manifestation of another major directive: the one who can make it do.

They read the score lightly, between the mobile phone, the arguments and the furtive evening appointments and, thus, they sing vaporously, like the tenor Elías Bendodo with the budgets; some statements that clog the spillways of the hatched and conscientious plan, to the despair of the brains. In reality, the clumsy ones who burst in only affirm Feijóo’s nervousness lest what happened to his Casado happen to him.

Until now they had made themselves known against the laws, but now they are going directly against the institutions, in this case the Public Ministry

But everything is more serious, with hoaxes or not, is the juristocracy. The exuberance and exhibitionism of the power of the judges denies the democratic role and relevance of the division of powers and, singularly, shows a special animosity against the executive and legislative powers.

Until now, fishing instructions, particularly trawlers, had been made known against the laws, in the resolution of appeals, in indefensible rulings and rulings, but now they go directly against the institutions, in this case the Public Ministry. Even until now they had not attacked in such a direct way, their gaze was oblique, as Francisco de Quevedo would say, who spoke like no one else about cross-eyed women, justice had a left-handed and slanted gaze. And it has its explanation.

Justice emanates from the people, although the crooked judges intend to receive this emanation only through some oppositions, but the Public Prosecutor’s Office has another relevance, integrated with autonomy and its own legal personality in the Judicial Branch, a hindrance for the autocrats of the law. Following Anglo-Saxon thought, which is not exotic to us because it laid the foundations for the separation of powers back in the 17th century, and not the continental one, it is the people.

Every juristocrat and the system he intends and represents is bothered not only by the other powers, which unlike them are elected and appointed by the people, but also by the people themselves.

Observe at least in American films, where the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which depends on an elected power, is the best representation of the we the people of the American Constitution. Ergo, every juristocrat and the system he claims and represents are bothered not only by the other powers, which unlike them are elected and appointed by the people, but also by the people themselves.

It is not trivial for them that the State Attorney General, this one and others, because the constitutional mandate says so, is appointed at the proposal of the president of the executive branch. It’s big game for a juristocrat. It is a long conflict regarding the restorative principle and the elective principle, but what does juristocracy intend to restore?

The right has every right to govern and to be a fierce, legitimate democratic alternative, but using judges against democracy is a betrayal of constitutional values ​​and principles that cannot have reward but reproach.

For everything, I insist, it is no longer about hoaxes, it is democracy. Resisting juristocracy is a democratic imperative. Too many events already demonstrate the intention of the juristocrats through their actions, the judicial war, the lawfareof the politicization of justice through its associations, of political parties, and its demand for illegitimate possession of the power they wield, because they feed each other, to a clumsy right that, being used by juristocrats, digs its own democratic grave.

The right has every right to govern and to be a fierce, legitimate democratic alternative, but using judges against democracy is a betrayal of constitutional values ​​and principles that cannot be rewarded but reproached.

#juristocracy #stupid

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