The bags are one of the articles of fashion most useful out there. They serve to carry all our belongings such as our cell phone, keys or wallet in a comfortable and safe way. Even if they are larger in size, they can be use for traveling and transporting clothes. Furthermore, in terms of aesthetics, they complement the ‘outfit’ and they give it a special touch.
As we can see, there are many advantages that bags offer us on a daily basis. However, you have to be careful with some models, as they can be very harmful to health.
This is what the prestigious neurosurgeon has warned Luke Macyszyn. In one interview for the British newspaper ‘HuffPost’ has indicated that its improper use can cause “serious consequences” and has pointed out those that he would never use.
The serious consequences of using the wrong bag, according to a neurosurgeon
Neurosurgeon Luke Macyszyn, who specializes in the surgical treatment of spinal disorders, has stated that handbags can often be the guilty of certain diseases. “When one is used that puts undue stress on the back, it can develop shoulder painat the bottom of the neck and at the top of the back. All these structures are connected through the large muscle,” he declared.
Dr. Macyszyn explains that the damage sometimes occurs at the end of the day, but many of these symptoms They are not noticeable until after “several weeks.”
The two bags that should never be used, according to the neurosurgeon
Following the neurosurgeon’s explanation of the serious consequences of carrying the wrong bag, Dr. Macyszyn indicated What models would you not use under any circumstances?. «Never a big one tote style or what lean on one shoulder», sentence.
The expert has clarified the negative effects that it entails: «This generates tension in the shoulder and an unbalanced load that falls directly on the neck and thoracic spine».
The neurosurgeon recommends this type of bag only for “short periods” and considers that backpacks are the best option. In any case, it is recommended not to carry too much weight in any way.
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