The next week’s cap Calella (Maresme) will be on the new Junts per Catalunya congressthat between d’altres qüestions It will serve to approve various canvis in the leadership of the party. The most significant will be the return of Carles Puigdemont to the presidency of the formationafter he moved aside for two years and mig. Amb tot, the former president of the Government has also lost the de facto leadership of the party and has therefore passed on all the claus decisions of the aleshores.
Parallel·lelament, The continuation of Jordi Turull as general secretary of Junts i mà dreta de Puigdemont is a gift per feta. In the darreres hours diverse mitjans, with TV3 ol’ACNplease donate for the three names who, most likely, will occupy the vice-presidencies: Míriam Nogueras, Antoni Castellà and Josep Rius.
Nogueras is the leader of Junts al Congrés and has participated in claus negotiations, such as the agreement for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez and has gained ascendancy. Rius is the bearer of the party, as a deputy to the Parliament and councilor to the Barcelona City Council, while Castellà is the leader of Democrates. Precisely, to enable the Castellà càrrec The requirement to have a minimum of six months of militancy in order to have an executive career has been eliminated.
Plus, Democrats will dissolve their executive bodies, join Junts and will not run again for electionsas they have advanced The National il’ACN. The integration pact took time to sign dimarts, with the presence of Castellà i Turull. Democrats will end 2015 with a sovereign split from the former Democratic Union In the meantime, his leader has become a leader of Puigdemont’s strong confidence.
The other side of the Junts congress will be the fall of the president, Laura Borraswhich is veurà relegated upon the return of Puigdemont and will go on to preside over the Junts foundation, which will be the Fundació Demòcrates de Catalunya, now linked to Demòcrates.
What is it going to be like? convicted of corruption for the irregularities come in the second stage to the capdavant of the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes (ILC) Borràs has not lost his weight and ancestry And, in fact, there has not been a significant role in the negotiations that the party has addressed in the current times. And the leaders of the confidence, such as Aurora Madaula, Francesc de Dalmases or David Torrents -finds the secretariat of organization- have remained in their positions and will now appear properly.
#Nogueras #Castellà #Rius #point #vicepresidencies #Junts