The fleas They are one of the most common risks that our company must deal with. dog. In addition to being annoying, they multiply quickly and can transmit serious diseases to our four-legged friend, so we must learn to prevent them.
But if, taking all precautions, our furry friend encounters this problem, do not despair. That’s how it is how to remove fleas from dog so that he can continue running around the house healthy and happy.
What are fleas?
To fight the enemy, you have to know him. For this reason, we must know that fleas are parasites They live between one and two weeks. Brown in color, they are between one and two millimeters in size, and females can lay up to 40 eggs a day. For this reason, when they manage to reproduce, they constitute a real pest if you do not stop them in time.
Remember that the larvae that hatch from their eggs can get into the clothes in your home, into the carpets, into the bed where your dog sleeps… When they transform into cocoons, they will be lethargic for several months, until the larvae emerge from them. adult fleas that they will look for a host, to stay in him and feed on his blood. This will be your dog, although remember that they can lodge on the body surface of any mammal. So if you don’t eradicate them and are careful, for every flea on your furry friend, you will most likely have dozens of them growing in any corner of your house without knowing it.
How to know if the dog has fleas?
The easiest way to detect if your dog has fleas is to look closely to see if he has any of the following: symptoms that tell us that this is the case. In this case, you will see that he scratches often or that he is constantly cleaning himself with his mouth, licking and nibbling on certain areas. You may also suddenly experience allergic dermatitis with hair losswhich can end up causing bald spots in their fur.
Areas where fleas settle
The most common areas where fleas settle on our furry friends are the armpitsthe neck, the belly and the crotch. Also, if you see little black spots in their hair when you brush them, put them on a damp tissue. If they turn red, they are flea feces, so you have them.
Remember that the period of the year with the highest number of fleas is at the end of summer, when high temperatures and humidity combine, but you should not neglect your vigilance during the rest of the months. Keep in mind that the risk lasts all year round if we consider the use of heaters during the winter when it does not stop raining outside.
How to eliminate fleas?
The first thing to do to eliminate fleas For your dog, it is to bathe him with warm water. Use for this a antiparasitic shampoo and rub all parts of the body well except the ears and face. They are not too expensive, you will find them around €8, and many of them are effective against fleas, ticks, mites and lice.
After you’ve bathed your furry friend, brush them with a flea comb its fur, in order to remove all the fleas you find. Then it will be time to put a antiparasitic collar or provide you with a antiparasitic pipette. If you have questions about the products to use or the steps to follow, do not hesitate to consult your veterinarian so that they can recommend the most appropriate one for your dog.
How to deworm the house?
Likewise, you should not forget deworm your house. This step is very important, because if there are fleas in it, your dog will have the same problem again shortly. Use products to kill adult fleasbut also eliminate the eggs. These flea treatments are usually applied for three months to be effective.
You should be especially careful with the bed where the animal sleeps, the blanket where it lies, its stuffed animals and cloth toys, its walking clothes and the carpets. In fact, everything textile should go to the washing machine to disinfect it with a washing program at more than 60 ºC. If you have a machine steam cleaning this is ideal for sofas and the beds. Don’t forget to separate the furniture from the wall and move the objects to make a thorough cleaningsince fleas may have hidden in the most inaccessible corners.
During or after cleaning, use specific products to kill adult fleasbut also eliminate the eggs. These flea treatments They are usually applied for three months to be effective, but remember that the most important thing is that they are characterized by being insecticides and larvicides.
#Fleas #eliminate #dog